Please don't leave me.

451 15 21

T.W - Murder

"Ah, Tommy, we've been expecting you."

Tubbo's POV -

I lifted my head, having just been so close to falling asleep, I sighed. This had been a long day. I probably heard him wrong, but I think Will just called for 'Tommy', he's got to be wrong, Tommy can't be here. "Tommy, there's no use hiding, we know you're there." I guess I hadn't heard wrong. "Tommy, get your butt out here before I make you." A tired looking Tommy came out from behind a tree, his hair was matted with leaves. "What do you want Tommy?" I spat at him, "what do I want? I want you to give me the flipping princess." Wilbur walked in front of him, blocking Tommy's path, "and why should we do that, you see, we have all the power."

"Wilbur, do you really think this is ok? It's not too late to take her back and apologise to Dream." Wilbur turned his head slightly towards me, winking at me. Alerting me that the next thing he was going to say would be a complete and utter lie. "Tommy, I'm too far gone, I can't turn back now. Not when we're so close to getting L'manberg back." Tommy pulled Will into a hug, hoping to help his 'sadness' towards the situation. "Will, there's always something you can do to help yourself. You can't just accept defeat." I can hear muffled crying, but I'm unsure of who it's coming from.

"Tommy, it's too late." I could see Wilbur reach into his back pocket and pulled out a dagger, not once letting go of Tommy, he plunged the small knife into Tommy's chest. "I'm so sorry." I heard Will whisper to Tommy, "but this is what I have to do, I can't let you get in the way." I gasped, stood up and ran over to the two brothers. "Will, what have you done?" I asked, tears building up. "I did what was necessary." Blood seeping through Tommy's old red and white shirt, "Tommy, please don't leave me. Tommy please." The tears finally spilt, how could Wilbur do this? "Tommy please don't go, I love you." (Not romantic, just brotherly!)

I could hear y/n waking up, incredibly confused, "Tubbo, what's happening?" I didn't answer her, why did I have to go along with Wilbur's plan? Everything would have been fine if I'd just stayed with Fundy.


Another lost soul in my attempt to please Wilbur, this had to stop. "Wilbur, what's going on?" Wilbur turned round to look at y/n, "nothing that concerns you." He said through gritted teeth. "Tommy, please don't leave me." Tommy raised his arm slightly, placing it loosely around my shoulder. He whispered something to me, something that the world had forgotten, "I think you're forgetting something Tubs, I have one life left." With that, he disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

I turned to Wilbur, glaring at him, "that was not part of the plan." I stood up and approached him, we stood face to face, it was almost like we could sense one another's anger. "Can someone please just explain what the macaroni is going on?" We both turned to her, "Tommy, he's dead."

Tommy's POV

The last thing I could remember happening was Tubbo telling me not to go. That's all that happened before the world darkened and what I imagined to be death took over. Now, a bright light was being shone in my face and I was being told I had to decide wether or not I want to live my next and final life. So, what do I do? Do I go back? What would I do if u decided not to go back? I'll just have to find out.

"Tell me that you'll turned down the man, who asks for your hand?" Y/n had liked me first, and as soon as I get back, I'm going to tell her about my feelings. "'Cause you're waiting for me and I know, I'm gonna be away a while." I don't mind what I have to go through to get to her, for the first time, I'm living life the way I want to. "But you've got no plans at all to leave." She is the future queen, and soon she'll have to make the decision of who her king may be. "And would you give away your hopes and dreams and just stay with me?"

"All my senses come to life, while I stumble home as hopeful as I." I have hope, if I can return from the depths of the underworld, I think I at least have a chance with her. "If you're sad I'm gone, well I'll never leave again," I'll stay by her side for however long it takes, wether as a friend or more. "'Cause you are the only one."

"And all my friends have gone to find, another place to let their hearts collide." All of my 'friends' are gone. "Just say you need me, I'll never leave again" as soon as I find her, I'll be there for her forever. "'Cause you are the only one." She is the only person I've ever loved, and the only person I will ever love. "Take my hand and my heart and soul, I will only have these eyes for you." I'll do whatever she asks of me, even if it just means we're friends. "And you know, everything changes but we'll be strangers if, we see this through."

"You could stay within these walls and bleed or just stay with me. All my senses come to life
While I'm stumbling home as hopeful as I. Just ask of me and I'll never leave again, 'cause you are the only one and all my friends have gone to find another place to let their hearts collide
Just promise me, you'll always be a friend." Every step I took was another step closer to her, another step closer to Tubbo. "'Cause you are the only one, stumbling half alive, getting myself lost I am so gone, so tell me the way home. I listen to sad songs, singing about love, and where it went wrong? All my senses come to life, While I'm stumbling home as hopeful as I have ever been and I'll never leave again.
'Cause you are the only one and all my friends have gone to find another place to let their hearts collide. Just promise me, you'll always be a friend 'cause you are the only one."

This entire thing was a chase, a race to see who could get her first, me or Tubbo. He has a head start, but he's also the villain in this story.

He's the villain in my story.

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