Friendly Competition

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"Don't ever disagree with me again."

Tommy's POV -

I woke up suddenly as the sun rose, hearing shuffling from no where in particular and a loud voice booming from the castle. "I would like every boy from age 16 to 18 to come to the castle tomorrow afternoon to sign up for a chance at being King of Dream SMP."
King? Imagine that, King TommyInnit of the Dream SMP. "Did you hear that?"
I heard Tubbo ask, we were both still sat in that clearing, neither wanting to leave but both scared that Wilbur would know where to find them. "I don't think we need to worry about that, we should probably just get out of here as soon as possible."

He rolled his eyes at me, "are you really not even a tiny bit interested about what's going on?"
I shook my head at him as he raised an eyebrow, "are you?"
I mimicked back to him, "do you even understand what's going on?"
I asked him, to which he smirked and nodded.
"I heard Dream say something white it whilst I was staying the castle. He's trying to find someone to marry y/n."
I gasped and felt my eyes widen slightly, "oh so now you're interested." I quickly looked away, feeling my cheeks go a light scarlet, "you want to go, don't you?"
He suddenly asked as realisation hit him. Please don't say he knew I liked her, I can't let him know that Big Man TommyInnit doesn't have hundreds of wives already at his beck and call. "Nope, nope, nope."
I said suddenly, beginning to walk away.

"You like her!"
He suddenly exclaimed, running to my side, "well, I hope you know that I'm going to be going as well."
I started walking faster, really? Him. He literally dated y/n just for a stupid plan, why would anyone choose him? "May the best man win."
He said holding out his hand for me to shake. I continued to walk, ignoring him. I continued walking, leaving Tubbo behind.

I continued walking, eventually reaching the safety of civilisation. "Good morning Tommy!"
I heard a soft voice call out to me, followed by a short, blonde-haired girl racing towards him. "Hi Niki!"
I said back to her, "how are you? Did you hear about the fiasco with the castle?"
She said whilst pulling me into a hug, "yep."
I pulled away to continue walking but she grabbed me arms, forcing me to face her, "are you going to volunteer."
I rolled my eyes at her, "it's not like I have much of a choice."

"Well then, Mr Tommy, would you do me the honour of letting me get you ready for your big day?"
Absolutely not. Well, it might be helpful, she's not helping Tubbo. Meaning I would have an advantage over him. I slowly nodded my head before Niki grabbed my hand and pulled me with her to her house.

"Welcome to the house, to the Haus of Niki!"
She announced as we entered, "Ja, ooh ja, das ist gut. Ooh ja, ja."
I've got no blumming clue what she's going on about, but I'll just go along with it. She is helping me after all, "The Haus of Niki!"
I repeated quietly as she sat me down on a chair and stood behind me.

"Niki Nihachu goes around the world."
She said, speaking in third person, Captain Puffy walked down the stairs, assessing the situation and joining in with Niki. "Helping all of the princely boys."
"From L'manberg, to the SMP and Snowchester."
They happily sang together, starting to cut and style my hair, "The king will choose one."
Niki announced as hair started to fall on my lap, I really hadn't noticed how long it had gotten. "But which one will it be?"
I asked them, receiving no response.

"You bring the face and we'll bring the style," Niki announced as she glanced at my hair, happily nodding at her hard work. "No one wants a waist over nine inches!"
Puffy said pulling me up and standing me in front of the mirror, "So what the make up contains lead poison? At least your complexion will bring all the girls in."
She said, picking up multiple outfit options including a black suit with a white shirt, and a pair of jeans and a shirt with a red jacket. "Ignore the fear, and you'll be fine, we'll turn this vier into a nine. So just say "ja" and don't say "nein".

"'Cause now you're in the house, in the Haus of Holbein! Ja, ooh ja, das ist gut. Ooh ja, ja the Haus of Holbein. We must make sure the future princes look great. When their time comes for the princess to judge. We know what all the best inventions are to hold everything up. Ja, it's wunderbar. For blonder hairs, then you just add a magical ingredient from your bladder. Try these shoes, so high it's naughty, but we cannot guarantee that you'll still walk at 40."
I gasped suddenly and backed away, but the two girls pulled me back and shoved the clothes into my arms, telling me to sit down so that I can get changed tomorrow. "Ignore the fear and you'll be fine, we'll turn this vier into a nine. So just say "ja" and don't say "nein", 'Cause now you're in the house in the Haus of Holbein! Ooh ja, das ist gut. Ooh ja, ja, the Haus of Holbein."

The next day -

"Tommy, are you ready to go?"

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