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"We're going to fight this battle together, or not at all."

Dream POV - 14 days later...
The final layer of the castle ignited, it was all gone. Everything we had worked so hard for, for so long, had just burst ablaze.

A war had been enraging in our land for 13 days, with myself, Sapnap, Bad and Punz. The other, my daughter, Thomas, Tubbo and
Ranboo. My own daughter would rather have a war against me than accept that my ideas are correct. Their side was constantly attacking, masking themselves and hiding in crowds so that they were too hard to recognise. Acting like bandits, it was an impossible war. We had all been searching for them for just under a fortnight, but there was no sign of them at all. They're invisible. Our first job was attempting to figure out what each of them brought to the table, in terms of fighting, instinct and medical capabilities...

Ranboo, was the way they were getting around in secret. He could teleport, check around corners and make sure none of us were there, none of us stood a chance with him on their team. We had to capture him, it was our biggest hope.

Tubbo, there would be two reasons that he is on that team. One, he wants to be closer to my daughter, which i don't think i would be able to disagree with at this point. Two, he hates all of us more than he is letting on. He would be giving them medical aid, sorting out any injuries that any of them possessed. We could use him to find their hidden base, he would be easy to manipulate.

Thomas, he was there to ensure that my daughter didn't hurt herself. However much i hate him, he loves her, even i can see that. He was also there to inspire them, give them speeches, plan out their strategies and make sure that they are content. We would have to make him realise that this war isn't worth fighting. If he won't inspire them, no one will.

Y/n, i'm sure she's just doing this to get back at me, she doesn't really hate me. She can't, she's my daughter. Her job will be teaching them battle tactics, she'll know all of our strategies. We need to capture her, she knows far too much.

Our second job was attempting to match each of us with one of them.

Punz, he was going to fight against Ranboo, watching his teleportation and attempting to work out any patterns. Spot if he goes to any places at a certain time, which would allow us to capture him.

Bad, he was going to be against Tubbo, if we Bad could stop however they are getting supplies, Tubbo wouldn't be able to heal them. If Tubbo has to come out of their hiding to get them supplies, then we Bad may be able to find and take him back to the castle. Locking him away from his friends, no one will be able to help them and their base will no longer go by unnoticed.

Sapnap, he would be against Thomas, if we could eliminate the young boy, my daughter would be distraught and she would refuse to fight. Bringing her right back to me. I couldn't care less how he does it, but Tommy needs to be disposed of. By whatever means necessary.

Myself, I had to find my daughter. I would not kill her, I would find her and bring her home. Make her realise that those people will never love her as much as I do. If she won't come with me willingly, I'll just take her.

Y/n POV - 2 days later...
So much to do, so little time to prepare. We had one day until our final strike, final revolt, it was four of us against the world and we couldn't lose. These rulers had taken our homes, our hope, our freedom, and that could not go by unpunished. "Y/n, is everything ready?" My heart skipped a beat as Tommy strutted in, "because if not, it needs to be."
I gave him a short smile, this was the boy who had the entire weight of the world resting upon his shoulders. If I could even take a bit of the load, everything would feel a whole lot better. "Tommy, what if we don't make it out alive?" I questioned. Hope was just an idea, an imaginary belief that drives life forward, it was battle that kept us alive and allowed us to thrive.
He completely ignored my question, answering by only wrapping an arm round my shoulder and leading me up from our base. To the top of the mountainside that we now based our lives.

"That's not an answer Tommy." I watched as he sat down, following suit as the sun began to set on our world.
He huffed, "if we don't, and that's a big 'if', then just remember that you're doing this for the people, not for yourself. Don't try to be a hero
Y/n, because I bet you, you can't

"name one hero who was happy."

For us, for L'manberg Where stories live. Discover now