Chapter 12: Monster

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Warning: Do NOT read this chapter if blood/gore and violence trigger you. This chapter is very dark. Also music and video isn't mine!

No one's POV

"Did she come down here?" Yoongi asks the prince. "What did she see?"

Namjoon sighs, holding a lit candle. "I don't think she did. I trust her." He leads his guards down the dungeon stairs.

The dungeon is old and has crust falling off from the walls. It smells of blood and decay.

"Oh god, I am going to puke." Jin covers his mouth. The prince turns to him.

"Don't you dare throw up on me." Namjoon hisses.

They go further down the hall and it leads to many cages and cells. People are groaning and aching. There's an old man in the corner near the dungeon fireplace, the bone of his leg completely visible. There's a family of five in one of the cells. They got caught stealing medicine. Namjoon gets closer, inspecting them. They cower, backing up into the wall, scared. Namjoon sneers.

"See all this my loyal guards?" The prince turns to Yoongi and Jin.

"Yeah? What of it?" Yoongi asks.

"This is my work of art. I'm sure all of these heads will look just perfect in my collection." He chuckles darkly.

"Yeah that's nice, can we leave now?" Jin still has his mouth covered.

"Your grammar is lacking. It's may we leave now." Namjoon says.

"Shut up." Jin warns. "And what if Y/N ever finds out about this?"

"She won't because I know she won't. I trust her, remember?"

"But she'll still be curious!"

"Perhaps you're right..." Namjoon thinks. "I'll have to get rid of all these things." He looks at all the prisoners staring at him. He turns to Yoongi and Jin.

"Kill them all."

"Even the children?" Jin's eyes go wide.

"Did I stutter? I said kill them all." Namjoon says bluntly.

The prisoners panic, desperately trying to escape their cells and chains.

Yoongi pulls out his sword and stabs the old man in the chest. Blood comes up, covering Yoongi's face. He then opens the cell door to two young men in chains. He takes off his leather necklace, wrapping it around one of them.

Jin watches in horror. He's a newer guard so he's more sensitive to this. He looks at Namjoon watching Yoongi, pleased. Yoongi is about to choke him.

"Wait!" Jin finally says.

"What?" Yoongi looks annoyed. "Let me kill him."

"This is fucking wrong!" He takes his own sword out, dropping it to the floor and starts takes off his armor.

Namjoon chuckles. "What exactly are you implying Jin?"

"I quit. This is... this is just disgusting." He walks up to Namjoon.

"Are you betraying me?" Namjoon pretends to look hurt.

"Yes, you're a real monster Kim Namjoon. I never wanted to be your guard. But that's what happens when your parents force you into things. All these people are innocent."

Yoongi growls, shoving the man to the floor along with the necklace.

"I'm a monster?" Namjoon purrs evilly. "You're right. What should I do with you? I couldn't just kill you..."

"Do whatever you have to, just know I am no longer going to hurt innocents!" Jin seethes with rage.

"Fine, if you won't finish the job, I will." Namjoon looks at the fireplace. He throws the lit candle into it, causing it to quickly grow. He begins dragging people to it, head first. Jin screams as he sees their skin burn into the flames. Yoongi quickly covers his mouth. The rest of the prisoners begin to scream as well. Once everyones dead and there's ashes all over the ground, he smirks at Jin.

"Still want to leave me Jin?"

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