Chapter 29: SLIGHT SMUT/Fight

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WARNING: This chapter contains smut! If you are under 18 years old, shooo! Begone! XD now back to the chapter.

Your POV

"Shhh, just enjoy my little dragon. I promise I'll be gentle." He starts to unfasten your floor- length cape. Was he going to court you now?!

"N Namjoon wait- are you going to make me pregnant?"

He chuckles. "So you've heard. You've been a naughty little dragon eavesdropping in on my private conversations haven't you?" He purrs, helping you strip out of the rest of your dress. "But no. Not now. Think of this as a practice run hm?"

"I'm sorry. I just happened to be there during that time." You whisper.

He growls, picking you up bridal style and taking you into his office and slams the door shut. He throws everything off his desk and sets you down on it.

"I can help you slide those panties off." He croons, nipping at your neck hungrily while he pulls your f/c panties off. Once he does he brings them up to his face, inhaling. You widen your eyes. Must be a dragon thing? You don't question it.

"Open up your legs for daddy baby girl." He undoes his belt and pants, throwing them to the side.

You quickly open up your legs, excited to feel the dragon touch you. He starts by taking little, teasing licks at your clitoris. Teasingly. You squeak out in surprise, already feeling the sensitivity.

"You're already wet for the powerful Lord of Dragons princess?" He purrs, looking down at you. You nod as he joins you on the desk, you can feel his powerful weight. But then you look down and see it. It's huge. It has pink scales along it. It's completely wet. With Namjoon nodding with approval, you suck on it.

He throws his head back, moaning. His large wings beating fast with excitement.

You've never done this with anyone before, let alone a dragon.

Time skip (sorry, didn't want to really finish the rest since I don't know what I'm doing lol)

Your POV

Once you and the prince are finished, you see Hydra by the entrance guarding the heads of the villagers by his body. He lets out a purring sound once he knowledges you.


He hushes you softly. "It's okay. You're on my side now. Which means we can be monsters together. You've already joined me princess, and there's no turning back." He wraps his arms around you.

"This wasn't part of the deal Joonie." You say softly.

"I know." He looks sad. "I'm sorry."


"This will be the start of a new era. You will be the one to carry my pups. And I will do everything in my power to protect you all."

"You are mad!" You snap.

"I'm doing this for you Y/N. Please, just trust me." He looks sad.

"Namjoon, you might get hurt." You cry. "Are you hearing yourself right now? This isn't you."

"Princess, I appreciate your concern however it's time to set things right. Those villagers and Jimin included, they're like little ants by my feet. The only way to get rid of those ants is the crush them." His dragon eyes look at you intently. "Also if you try so much as to escape, I will find you."

"Namjoon, what happened to you?"

He chuckles. "What happened? You've turned into a beautiful villainess my dear dragon."

A Dragon's Gem: Yandere Prince Namjoon x Princess reader Where stories live. Discover now