Chapter 16: Misunderstood

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Sorry for the long wait everyone, thanks for being so patient with me 😊 (Also thanks for all the votes and everyone who read my story).

Your POV

As you ride on Namjoon's back, you look down at your home and feel warm tears in your eyes.

"Don't cry princess. I did what I had to."

"No you didn't!" You finally explode with anger.

"I was protecting you from those weaklings." He growls.

"They weren't weaklings, they were my friends and family! But you wouldn't even know!" You pound your fist on some of his scales. He roars in pain, flying towards the ground. You land with a thud in the middle of a forrest, the sky dark with twinkling stars.

Namjoon back in his human form groans in pain, curled up in a ball.

"N Namjoon?" You get worried for him. He doesn't respond.

"Namjoon!" You run to his side and wrap your arms around him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you... I..."

"Where you hit me..." His deep voice growls, "is where dragon hunters shot me with an arrow. There's still a scar. See?" You look at where you hit him and you instantly feel guilty.

"Namjoon I'm sorry I was just upset that you destroyed my home again. I can never go back. I'll have to go into hiding and..."

Namjoon has tears in his eyes "He pushed you! I couldn't just not do anything about it!" He roars.

"Namjoon I..." You suddenly hear barking dogs in the distance. Oh no...

"The dragon went this way so I think we're close!" You hear a familiar voice say. It's Jimin.

Namjoon's eyes dilate and he quickly takes your hand and you hide behind a tree.

"What shall we do once we find it sir?"

"We'll kill it obviously in front of everyone. Then I'll be a hero." He chuckles.

Your eyes widen. How can Jimin do this? Wait a minute... Namjoon had mentioned dragon hunters before and how they tried to hurt him... were the dragons just living peacefully all along and it was humans who started all this? You wanted to ask Namjoon but now was not the time.

Namjoon turns to you. "We have to get out of here. Now." He sounds urgent. "I don't want to have to fight them again. If anything, I just want to make peace with them."

"Y you do?"

He sighs. "Humans are afraid of us so much that they don't realize how good we can be when we don't feel threatened."

You're about to respond but the barking of the dogs and hunters get closer.

"Quick, you have to get out of here." You push Namjoon's back, trying to get him to move. "I'll distract them."

"I can't leave you here."

"Namjoon please!"

He doesn't budge, staying by your side.

"Over here!" You hear a voice call out. You turn to see Prince Jackson.

"What are you doing here?"

"I figured you two were in deep shit and here I am. Aren't you gonna thank me?" He crosses his arms.

"Just get us the fuck out of here!" RM gets upset.

"Fine." Jackson groans. "But you owe me one." He snaps his fingers and the three of you disappear in a puff of black smoke.

Sorry for the cliff hanger. Dragon hunters in this story hurt Namjoon and his family in the past. That's why he has a hard time trusting humans. But why does he trust you? Aren't you a human too? That's all for minor spoilers. Bye! 💜☺️

A Dragon's Gem: Yandere Prince Namjoon x Princess reader Where stories live. Discover now