Chapter 32: The Mad Queen

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Disclaimer: Music and pictures aren't mine

Your POV

"What now?" You ask as you look down at the dragon.

"We kill those humans, that's what." Yoongi clenches his jaw. "Kill them all!"

"Now hold on, let's be reasonable about this." Hoseok starts but Yoongi pushes him to the ground.

"You and your damn kind did this! Namjoon was one of my closest friends. Now he's... he's dead."

"I did what I had to. You would've done the same." He scoffs.

The guard screams, about to punch him but you hold him back.

"Let him go Yoongi. I have other plans." You narrow your e/c eyes.

"What are you saying?"

"Let him go. Trust me." You say.

Yoongi sighs, hesitantly getting off of him. Once he's free Hoseok walks up to you.

"I don't know what you're planning Y/N but I never thought you'd turn out like this. Your sense of humanity is gone. This isn't the Y/N I know from my childhood." He has tears coming down from his face.

"I have nothing to say to you."

"Y/N, are you sure you want to do this? You know you're on the wrong side. It'll be too late once you realize that..."

"I said I have nothing to say to you!" You shove him a bit too hard.

"Fine. Goodbye Y/N." And with that he picks his bloody sword off the ground and leaves.

You turn back to Namjoon's body, kneeling down in front of him. You stroke his head before undoing his cloak and putting it on. You stand up and face Namjoon's friends.

"I'm taking Namjoon's place for now. Anyone have a problem with that?" You growl.

The three men say nothing, only nod.

After Namjoon's death, your personality completely changes.

You don't smile anymore or laugh. You only do when you see people suffering because of you. You raise an entire army of darkness and destroy entire villages in Namjoon's honor and to appease your anger. Everything gets destroyed and trampled in your path. You're known as the mad dragon queen who wears an intimidating dragon mask during battle and Namjoon's cloak. But behind closed doors, you cry yourself to sleep every night, thinking about Namjoon. His warm snout rubbing against you when he was in his dragon form. His affection towards you and how he'd only show his soft side to you and only you. You would cry into his cloak at night, holding it close. You miss him. If only he knew.

Namjoon's body is still lying on the ground, untouched. You insisted no one touch him since he should be laid to rest naturally. Jin and Yoongi covered him with leaves and a long blanket. Clutches of flowers surround him including his dark crown he once wore.

A few weeks pass by there's a thunderstorm that kept you up. Usually if there was a storm, Namjoon would be there to comfort you. You look out the window and notice the lightning is pretty close. You hear the rain coming down onto the roof. You keep looking through the window when you see the lightning strike the deceased dragon. Your eyes widen and you scream. You run downstairs through the throne room and go outside.

Yoongi notices and follows after you. "My queen, it's not safe out here!"

You don't respond, watching a few yards away. The lightning surrounds him and a flash off purple light blinds you. There's a loud growl and the Namjoon slowly emerges, standing up. Your Namjoon. His wounds from Hoseok are still there. His eyes are narrowed, jaw clenched. The lightning strikes around him but he's not affected. You're slightly afraid. Would Namjoon still remember you? This Namjoon looks like he's about to fuck shit up.

You're about to run to him but Yoongi grabs your arm. "He might not be the same."

The lightning clears and Namjoon cranes his neck, probably smelling your scent.

A few tears come down your face. How was this possible? How can he come back to life? You saw Hoseok pierce the sword right into him! You can't take it anymore.

"Namjoon!" You run to him.

When he sees you, his eyes widen. You look beautiful.

"Namjoon? Do you... remember me?" You ask him.

He lets out a chuckle. "How could I forget about my precious gem?" He beams down at you. He wraps you in his arms, hugging you.

"I thought you were gone! I thought I'd always be alone." You cry into his chest.

"Dragons can regenerate if their love for their lover is strong. You saved me." He admires purrs. "Thank you."

"Namjoon, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry if I ever said something that hurt you. I love you." You cry.

"Namjoon!" Yoongi runs over to the two of you. "You're alive!" He runs straight into his arms.

Namjoon rolls his eyes but hugs back.

"I'll tell the others!" He runs back inside.

"Namjoon, I killed them. I killed everybody." You say. "The villages. I destroyed them."

He lets out a dark chuckle, stroking your head softly. "I wish I could've seen. What happened to Jimin?" His eyes suddenly narrow.

"I couldn't find him." You sigh. "Maybe he died."

"No worries my queen. It doesn't matter anymore. What matters now is we'll kill everyone here who stands in our way. And no one will be able to stop us." He smirks before smashing his lips against yours.

Hi guys, thank you for being so patient for this chapter. I'm finishing up all my classes in order to graduate. Have to give a student led presentation soon in front of a lot of people and I'm really nervous. I was also thinking of different ways that Namjoon could come back. I would be so sad if I ended the story where he died. But this isn't the last chapter. ☺️💜

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