Just a Christmas special ☺️

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Hey guys, happy holidays! Christmas is in just three more days (at least where I am). This is just a fun Christmas chapter that has nothing to do with the actual story plot. I'm also planning on continuing to write that too. Enjoy!

Your POV

"Namjoon! What are you doing? You're not supposed to open presents yet! It's not December 25!" You catch him in the act of opening one of the gifts under the tree.

"Just a peek won't hurt." He smirks at you.


"Okay, okay. I'll put it back." He rolls his eyes.

"Did dragons ever celebrate Christmas?"

"Nah, we did our own thing. But this is fun too."

"Maybe I could add in your holiday traditions too."

"That won't be necessary. Besides, it's not easy. To have a dragon holiday during the season, we hunt together in packs. Then we feast on our kill after and..."

"I'm gonna stop you right there. Isn't there something... less intense we could do thats still a tradition of yours?"

"Well, dragons used to tell stories around the fire. We'd all cuddle together while we listened. The little ones couldn't tell stories. They had to listen only to the elders tell them."

"We could do that!" You smile. You had to get help first.

"Absolutely not." Jin growls. "Prince Namjoon is an idiot if he thinks we're going to cuddle with him next to a stupid fire."

"Yeah, count me out." Yoongi nods.

"Last time Namjoon said some terrible things that offended me." Prince Wang scoffs.

"Come on guys, we're doing this for Namjoon. It would make him so happy! And you wouldn't have to cuddle him Jin, I'd be doing that." You smirk.

Jackson smiles. "Oh what the heck? It's Christmas. Of course we'll help."

When you tell Joonie about the news, you've never seen him happier.

"What story will you tell?" You ask him before you go to bed.

"I can't tell you. You'll have to wait and see princess." He purrs.

"Can't you at least give me a hint?"

"You. It'll be about you." He smiles. You blush, nodding.

"Me? Then it'll be quite a boring story." You laugh causing Namjoon to shake his head.

"That's not true. You're not boring princess." He coos, kissing your cheek softly.

The next night, you, Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Prince Wang, and JiWon are sitting around a fire outside. It's cold and you can see your own breath.

"Who wants to go first?" Jackson asks.

"I think Joonie should go first. It is his tradition after all." You say.

"Okay. I'll go then." He blushes. "Once upon a time, there was a princess..."

"Oh boy, this is gonna suck." Jin groans. Everybody shushes him.

"She was beautiful." Namjoon continues. "She had h/l, h/c hair. She wore a long, white gown. She was kind to everyone she met. Then there was a dragon. He was lonely and sad. He had no friends or family. He had trust issues of being hurt by others in the past. That's why he was always angry and short-tempered towards people. However, one day, the princess encountered the dragon when she was wandering through the forrest, picking flowers. She eventually stumbled upon the large beast who was trapped under a pile of rocks. As scary as the dragon was, she helped him get out and inspected him for any wounds. The dragon trusted her and protected her always after that. He was never lonely again. She was able to tame him. The end." Namjoon finishes. Everyone claps, even Jin.

"That was so romantic." JiWon smiles. "But... that sounds familiar. Is Y/N the princess in that story and you're the dragon?"

"No, I just made it up in my head." He lies. You roll your eyes at him, smirking.

"My turn!" Yoongi chirps. "This story is called the day I turned into a cat."

"You turned into a cat?!" Jackson chuckles.

"No, metaphorically I did though. Anyways, I was asked to guard Prince Namjoon's most prized possession."

"Which was..."

"His crabs!" Yoongi answers you

"His what?!"

"His crabs."

Namjoon face palms himself.

"Now you know me. I'm a heavy sleeper and I love to sleep. So I did. And the chef saw the crabs after they escaped and cooked them for dinner. They served it to the prince. And he got so angry. He was enraged. Thank God he didn't know I fell asleep on the job. 

"I know now." Namjoon growls. "It was you who killed my children?"

"Oh shit."

"I'm gonna kill you." The dragon hisses.

"Bruh, calm down. That was like five years ago." Jin scoffs.

"Let me tell you about the time Joonie came crying to me after he destroyed Y/N's village." Jackson says, putting an arm around Jin and Lil meow meow (sorry, I couldn't resist XD).

"Jackson!" JiWon scolds.

"He came to you for help?! Oh my... this is gold." Jin laughs.

"Merry Christmas Joonie." You try to smile. "Hey I know this wasn't exactly what you imagined but we tried our best."

He smiles. "It's fine Y/N. The important thing is, we're together.

A Dragon's Gem: Yandere Prince Namjoon x Princess reader Where stories live. Discover now