Update 💜

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I recently made changes to chapter 15. I plan to change the other chapters as I go so thank you everyone for being so patient ☺️💜

Break starts for me on the 18th, I'm still in school lol (I'm 19 so... yeah. I got held back oof)

Also I wanted to maybe add a chapter kinda like a Christmas special maybe with Namjoon? I probably will lol. However, I also know that some of my readers may not celebrate Christmas and that's okay! Whatever you guys are celebrating, I hope you all have fun and spend time with your families. Also I've decided to do a Q&A if you're interested. Ask anything you want, just as long as it's not too personal. I'll die if anyone from my school/my family members find out about my Wattpad account and what I write. 😰

A Dragon's Gem: Yandere Prince Namjoon x Princess reader Where stories live. Discover now