Chapter 8: The Prince's special guest part 1

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Your POV

"Wake up my princess." A deep voice purrs into your ear. You wake up to see Namjoon hovering over you. You roll your eyes with disgust.

"It's you."

"Yes, it's me." He smiles, his dimples showing.

"What do you want?"

"Well princess, we have a guest coming today."

"Oh, cool." You close your eyes again.

"Aren't you going to ask who it is?" He pouts.


"Ugh. Princess, he's a very good friend of mine so you must behave."

"Okay yeah. Sure." You say.

"I mean it. I'll get in trouble if you don't."

You and Namjoon sit at the table together, eating breakfast.

"Prince Jackson has arrived my prince." Yoongi enters along with Jin.

"Bring him in." He says. The two loyal guards bow before walking towards the two ginormous doors. A man with dark brown hair and eyes walks inside. He wears a traditional red and black hanfu. He smirks once he sees Namjoon and walks over to the table at once.

"Prince Namjoon." He greets.

Namjoon nods his head back. "How are things?"

"Pretty good dear friend. So, this is the princess I've been hearing about?" He scans you up and down.

"Yes, she's beautiful isn't she?"

"Not as beautiful as my princess back at home." He sits down in a chair next to you.

"Why didn't you bring her? I would've loved to meet her."

"My princess is too busy with supervising the servants for the annual grand ball. Which... you and Princess Y/N are invited to attend."

"I don't do balls." You say.

"Pardon?" Prince Jackson raises an eyebrow at you.

Namjoon clears his throat. "What she means is she's just not used to that kind of thing yet. I've decided I'll teach her how to dance, won't that be fun princess?"

"Yes, my prince." You want to hit him.

"I'm sure you and Ji-won will get along." Prince Jackson smiles.

"Oh, yeah I'm sure we will." You lie. She was probably just as stuck up as this guy.

"I wonder how Prince Namjoon took such a liking to you. He picked a good one." He smirks. "If anyone threatens you, let me or Namjoon know and we'll take care of them."

"Oh, t thank you." You say.

For the rest of the day, you listen to Namjoon and Jackson discuss royal business throughout the kingdom. You want to fall asleep.

"Oh and I bought my little Ji-Won a beautiful white robe crafted with the most delicate hands in China. She loves it." Jackson chuckles.

You fall asleep on Namjoon's shoulder. You feel him wrap an arm around you.

A Dragon's Gem: Yandere Prince Namjoon x Princess reader Where stories live. Discover now