Chapter 13: Soft side

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Hoseok's POV

"You don't actually think that that terrible, heartless monster took her do you?" I ask Taehyung.

"Of course he did, who else could've? Rumors say that the prince is just a dragon in disguise, just waiting for his time to burn the entire kingdom to the ground."

"I feel terrible. I feel like it's my fault she got taken." I sigh. "If only I was there sooner."

"It's not. Nothing else could've been done, trust me." Tae puts his arm on my shoulder comfortingly. "It's that damn Namjoon's fault."

"Those rumors about him being a dragon, are they true? My mother used to tell me stories of dragons when I was little. They terrified me. Ugh how can I be letting Y/N be living with a cruel reptile? I need to save her."

"Oh boy, I know where this is headed. You're going to rescue Y/N as her knight in shining armor, slay the dragon and save everyone?"

"I have to try."

"You're crazy. There's no way in hell you can rescue her on your own. Plus those are just legends. They're not actually true since dragons aren't real."

"She's probably scared, locked up like a caged bird in his dungeons. He feeds her a crumb of bread each day and makes her do his bidding by..."

"I'm sure she's fine. She's no damsel in distress Hobi. Remember, this is Y/N we're talking about. You still treat her like when we were kids."

"I can't help it. I've always looked out for her. And I'm not planning on stopping. I'm going to save her from this monster."

Your POV

"Baby shark! No wait, riding a bike?"

"Now you're just shouting out random things." Namjoon laughs.

"That's the whole point of charades Namjoon. Okay, my turn." You close your eyes, walking with pride.

"Um... I don't know." Namjoon says.

You change your tactic, pretending to scream, pointing your finger aggressively.

Namjoon raises an eyebrow, completely confused.

"A baboon?" He finally guesses.

You laugh. "No, it's you."

"Me?" He looks unamused. "Are you mocking me?"

"No, y you were right it was a baboon." You lie.

"I don't believe you." Namjoon smiles slightly. "Also when do I ever walk like THAT?"

"You never notice do you?" You scoff.

"Well I have another one." He gets up, pretending to pout."

"Hey!" You bust out laughing. "At least I'm not a pervert."

"I'm not a pervert." Namjoon wiggles his eyebrows at you teasingly.

"Namjoon!" You blush. You have to admit, you've been having a lot of fun with the prince lately. You'll never say it, but you're really starting to trust him a bit more.

He beckons you over to come sit on his lap. He invites you in with his arms, wrapping them around you protectively. His dragon-like eyes look at you softly, warm and inviting. He really does remind you of one. He nuzzles himself into the crook of your neck causing you to lightly blush. It reminds you of how close you and Hobi were. Taehyung and Jimin. You're worried about them.

A Dragon's Gem: Yandere Prince Namjoon x Princess reader Where stories live. Discover now