Chapter 3: Captured or rescued? Um... both?!

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Your POV

You awaken in a fancy large room that seems to be a bedroom. You quickly get up to look around.

You see the king sized bed you just got out of. There's elegant red velvet curtains hanging. The floor is nice and hard. It feels safe. However, you still weren't so sure what happened the other night. All you remember is falling asleep. So how did you manage to get here? You look down and notice that your old messy clothes are gone and replaced with a long, black satin robe.

"Who changed me?" You whisper softly. "Did I put this on or something? No, someone else surely did."

A familiar figure walks into the room, smirking, his dimples really showing up. It's the guy from before. He wears a black robe that goes all the way to the floor. His dark eyes look into you. His black boots echo off the hard wood floor as he walks closer and lifts your chin up with his hand.

"Recognize me?" He asks.

"It's you..." Your (e/c) eyes go wide.

"That's not a very polite greeting to the person who saved you." He chuckles.

"I'm sorry. W where am I?" You ask as the dark prince towers over you, sitting upon a chair like a throne. "Who are you?"

"You are in my kingdom little one." He says cooly. "Please call me Namjoon. I'm the evil prince. You know? The one who kills?"

You don't say anything, too afraid.

"Be thankful I rescued you. The wolves here love to devour girls such as yourself. As do I." He gets up from his throne and walks towards you. You back away from him slightly, getting really uncomfortable.

"However luckily for you, I'm not a wolf." He strokes your head softly.

You turn away from him and he chuckles. "No, I am much more than that. What is your name?"

"Y/N." You tell him.

"What a cute name." He tucks a piece of  h/c hair behind your ear. He starts inhaling your scent as he presses his nose against your hair.

"You smell delicious..." You can feel him grinning from ear to ear. It disgusts you. How can the Prince treat you like this? You don't even know him! This is even the first time you've seen him. People like you never even get a glimpse of him. Most likely the last time you'll ever see him since he might kill you.

You shiver and quickly remember the flowers you once held before falling into a deep sleep. You look around the room with your eyes, trying to not make it obvious that you're looking for something.

"Looking for these?" He purrs evilly, suddenly holding up the bouquet of flowers you picked. He holds them up high, teasing you.

"Yah! Those are mine!" You jump up to try to get them but to no avail. He's so tall.

He chuckles, amused at your attempt. "Is that so? They're mine now. They'll look beautiful dried up in my study now don't you think?" He taps them on your cheek tauntingly. You bare your teeth at him. How dare he does this.

"I don't care what you do with them." You say finally. "Please, just let me go."

"You are also mine now. You belong to me and only me Y/N." His warm breath tickles your sensitive ear. "You see... every prince needs his princess. And every princess needs her prince."

"For how long?" You ask.

"Forever." He says. "Until we naturally die."

"You're a monster." You whisper, tears coming down from your face.

He chuckles evilly. "I know my dear princess. I have been one since birth." He says like he hasn't heard someone call him that before, he starts to lick away your salty tears with his tongue. You flinch, tensing up. He notices and chuckles, finding it cute.

What the hell have you gotten yourself into?

A Dragon's Gem: Yandere Prince Namjoon x Princess reader Where stories live. Discover now