Chapter 14: Beast

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Authors note: Sorry for the very long wait! I had no inspiration what so ever but I finally did it! ☺️💜

Your POV
The rest of the ride to the village was smooth. When you finally get there you could see everything was mostly destroyed from when the guards came. You remembered it like it was just yesterday. The day that Namjoon took you from your friends and home. You get out, tears threatening to fall. Trees were burnt down and most houses were reduced to rubble and dust.

Namjoon yawns, getting out from the carriage and goes to your side along with Jin and Yoongi. To be honest, you really didn't want the two foolish guards to come but Namjoon insisted that they'd be there for your protection.

"W what happened here?" You cry.

"What do you mean?" Namjoon cocks his head to the side.

"Namjoon this village used to be my home! You destroyed everything!"

"It had to be done to get to you princess. Too many people were in the way of us."

Before you can say anything a familiar voice calls out. "Y/N!"

"Hoseok!" You gasp. Namjoon growls softly. The guards block him from getting any closer.

"No! He's my friend, let him through!" You command.

Yoongi scoffs. "I thought you were only a princess. Who are you to be giving orders to us?" He gets down to your level.

You look up at the prince, hoping.

Namjoon sighs. "Let him through."

Hoseok comes running towards you, trapping you in really a tight embrace.

"I thought you'd never come back!" He holds onto you tightly. "My prince, I hope you've been taking good care of her. I mean this was all in fact caused by you." Hoseok gets angry.

"Of course I do." Namjoon scoffs rudely.

You glare up at the prince.

"Come, everyone is cleaning up." Hoseok beckons you all to follow.

"So what happened?" You ask as the five of you walk to the middle of the village.

"I woke up and you were gone. The guards had broken into your house and..."

"Is it still there?!" You get scared.

"Yeah but the door got busted." Hoseok gives the evil eye to Namjoon who only smirks.

"It's him! It's the wicked prince!" Someone screams. Everyone scatters off, hiding.

Hoseok comes to a door and knocks on it. "Jimin! Ugh I know you're in there. Come out, Y/N is here."

The door opens slightly. "Don't come any closer with the guards." Jimin pleads.

Hoseok rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry about this um... warm welcome. We've all been paranoid after the incident happened. Everyone here is usually friendly.

"Jimin is that you?" Your eyes go wide.

"Y/N?" The door opens all the way and like Hoseok, Jimin runs to hug you.

A Dragon's Gem: Yandere Prince Namjoon x Princess reader Where stories live. Discover now