Chapter 20: Jimin's backstory

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Warning: This chapter will be sad as it revolves around what happened to Jimin's parents. Also this will be in 3rd person.

Music isn't mine!

"Eomma, Appa!" Jimin runs to hug his parents as they come through the door. "I missed you!" His father picks him up and raises him up in the air. The child giggles.

"We missed you too." His mother pats his head.

Park JiHyun comes running. "Appa!" He hugs him tightly.

"Park JiHyun was being naughty while you were out." Jimin points to his younger brother.

"No, he's lying!" His brother pouts.

Jimin's father was a skilled hunter. He taught Jimin how to fish and shoot targets.

Jimin sighs in frustration at the missed targets.

"Here, you need to position your bow and arrow like this." His father gets behind him. The arrow lands right on the target.

"Yay! I did it, I did it!" Jimin jumps excitedly.

Their mother would always read him and JiHyun a bedtime story.

"The dragon roared at the knight in shining armor and shot fire from his mouth..."

JiHyun gasps but Jimin is smiling. This is his favorite part of the entire book.

"However, the knight is able to dodge his attacks. He stabs his sword right into the beast's heart and rescued his princess. And they lived happily ever after." She closes the book.

"Eomma, do dragons still exist?" JiHyun asks.

"No dear, dragons have been gone for centuries. No ones seen one ever again." She reassures him, stroking his head softly.

"I want to fight a real one." Jimin smiles.

"Your great, great grandfather used to fight them back in the day. But Jimin, that was very dangerous to fight them. You have to promise me you'll be careful and protect your brother. From anything."

"I will." He promises.

The next day, Jimin and JiHyun play in the woods. Their mother specifically told them not to. However, Jimin wanted to play capture the dragon. A game he and JiHyun always played.

"Take that you stupid dragon!" Jimin throws a rock at a green bush.

JiHyun copies him. "Hyung, look over there!" He points to the sky. "A dragon is flying up there!"

"Oh no! Run!" Jimin laughs, taking his brother's hand.

They stay until dark. Jimin and JiHyun have fallen asleep next to each other. JiHyun wakes up. He hears rustling in the bushes nearby.

"Hyung, hyung! Wake up!" He shakes his brother. Jimin opens his eyes.

"What is it?"

"Listen. Do you hear that?" He asks. "W what if it's a dragon?" He looks towards the moving bushes.

Jimin gets up. "On three we attack." He holds a stick in his hand. "One... two.... Three!" He and JiHyun scream, running towards the bushes.

Their father walks out holding a torch. Jimin throws the stick at his face.

"Park Jimin!" His father looks angry.

"Oops. Sorry Appa." Jimin looks at the ground.

"You boys shouldn't be out here. We were looking for you all day and night! You're supposed to be a good role model for JiHyun. You think throwing a stick at your father is a good example for him?"

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