Chapter 5: First fight

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Music isn't mine

Your POV

Days with Namjoon's are weird. You notice he's cold and evil one minute to his subjects and servants, and the next, affectionate and sweet in front of you. It really confuses you. He never got mad at you or blamed you. Well, up until now.

Your POV

As Namjoon slouches slightly on his throne, you sit on his lap just like he had asked you to. It sounds ridiculous to you since it isn't necessary. You're pretty sure he's only doing it to get closer to you.

It's your third time really being able to watch him work.

"Sir." Royal guard Yoongi enters the room with a middle aged man. He harshly shoves him in front of the throne. "We found this guilty subject stealing bread from the bakery."

"Please..." The man bows down.

Namjoon hums softly, stroking your head as he did.

"Kill him." He smirks.

"Namjoon!" You scream.

The prince frowns, staring into your e/c eyes. You are so dead. Why did you have to scream?! It's not like he's the first to die.

"Yoongi, escort my princess to our bedroom. Keep her there until I arrive. I'm going to have a long talk with her for talking to her prince like that..." He smirks evilly, causing you to shiver in fear.

"Come." Yoongi beckons you over. You get off the prince's lap and follow the guard.

As you walk through the large halls, he starts to speak.

"It's best to not jump in when the prince makes any decisions."

"I don't know what I was thinking." You sigh.

Yoongi shrugs. "Well here we are." We made it to the bedroom.

"Prince Namjoon will see you momentarily."

"You mean after he slaughters that man?" You glare at him.

Yoongi rolls his eyes. "Yes, he'll be drenched in blood when he sees you."


"No, of course not. Jin and I do that. However, the prince watches every execution."

"All of you are disgusting!" You cry.

"Watch your mouth princess. The prince hears everything." He smirks.

"Does it look like I give a rat's ass? Let him hear it. I don't care if it hurts his feelings."

You hate this. Yoongi opens the door and you walk in. Before you can say anything else, you hear the door close. You then notice a plate of bread with some butter on your nightstand. There's a little note next to it.

Please make sure to eat well. I left some bread for you to eat. I love you.

You hadn't noticed it before today. He leaves notes like that around the bedroom all the time. You start taking small bites from a piece. You are hungry after all.

The door opens and Namjoon walks into the room, his chin held up high. He smiles down at you.

You're still eating and you roll your eyes with disgust.

"Is that how you greet me?" He narrows his dark eyes at you. "Speak up." He walks over to you on the bed and squishes your cheeks.

"Mm! I'm eating!" You say.

"Don't talk with your mouthful princess. It's not polite." He smirks. You want to punch him.

He wraps his arm around you. "Why did you scream at me?" He looks genuinely curious.

"That man is innocent. You said you were going to murder him."

"Princess, he stole our food. That is highly forbidden here." He says calmly.

"But what if he lost his job recently or couldn't afford it. We don't know."

"Not my problem."

You stare at him in misbelief.

"I think you owe me an apology for embarrassing me like that." He purrs softly in your ear.

"No." You get up from the bed.

"Pardon?" He looks upset.

"That's right. I said no. You always think of yourself, you murder people for fun, and you're insane. You don't deserve an apology." You say.

He chuckles softly. "How cute. You need to learn to respect your prince. This behavior is unacceptable."

"I don't care! You're crazy! I wish you never brought me here. You're a terrible person!" You cry. Yet you still feel like you did like him, in some kind of way. You couldn't explain it. It's like, he reminds you of something or someone that's been forgotten. You're knocked out of your thoughts.

"Well too bad! You'll be staying in this room with me until you apologize! I thought you were better than this Y/N!"

"What did I do wrong?!"

"I told you! Are you that dumb?" He starts to lose his calm demeanor.

"Not so calm now are you prince Namjoon." You mock. "You act all tough and intimidating. You don't scare me."

At that, he suddenly pushes you to the floor, holding your arms in place. "Let me go!" You cry.

"I don't want to scare you, but if I have to I will. Trust me princess, I can be really scary if I'm angry enough." He says to your shivering form.

A Dragon's Gem: Yandere Prince Namjoon x Princess reader Where stories live. Discover now