Chapter 34: The Struggles of Parenting

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Warnings: Death, Jimin dies in this, I'm sorry 🥺

You and Namjoon end up having three babies, two girls and one boy (sorry, I don't know how to write good smut 🥲) and you name them Yoonah, Miyoung, and Kai. Namjoon is very protective of them and never leaves them out of his sight. They're dragon hybrids. Kai is especially attached to his father. He cries whenever Namjoon leaves when it's night time.

Your POV

You and Namjoon are tucking them in one night in the nest.

Namjoon puts Kai down next to his sisters, smiling softly. "Goodnight my dragons." He coos. You stroke Miyoung's head and turn to Namjoon. " I don't think Kai is sleepy yet."

"I don't think either of them are sleepy." Namjoon laughs are the three little dragons are looking up at you both, with curious wide awake eyes.

"They'll be cranky in the morning if they don't get any rest." You yawn.

"Let's just turn out the lights and see if they go to sleep in the doorway." Namjoon turns the light off and you two sneak outside and watch.

As soon as you leave, Kai starts crying.

"This is gonna be a long night." Namjoon sighs.

The next day, Gwi, Yoongi and Jin are playing with the babies much to Namjoon's dismay. He watches them closely.

"Kai is the cutest." Jin beams.

"Yeah but you have to admit, Miyoung and Yoonah are cute too." Gwi says.

"All of them are annoying brats." Yoongi rolls his eyes. "I can hear them crying from my room."

Namjoon glares at him. "They're not annoying. Maybe to you."

"They're probably just teething." Jin turns to Yoongi.

"Teething my foot. They're so loud."

"Then why are you here then?" Namjoon tilts his head.

"I have nothing better to do. But there's something I need to tell you."


"Let's talk in private." He ushers Namjoon outside.

Namjoon's POV

Yoongi and I walk through the garden and he turns to me. "I found out what happened to Jimin." We stop in our tracks.

"You did?" My eyes widen.

"He was found dead in his home a few days ago."

"What killed him?"

"We don't know. Gwi thinks that a wolf or something attacked him. As for Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook, they still remain in the dungeon under your command."

"I'm delighted to hear that." I smile.

"However there's some bad news."

"Which is?" I growl.

"We're out of diapers."

"Seriously? That's the bad news? Didn't we restock on that also?"

"Fine, reuse the old diapers then. See how that works." He shrugs as we walk back to the castle gates.

"Yoongi, do you know how hard it is being a parent?"

"Yes I do know. You threw a lot of tantrums back in the day. You still do."

"I'm about to have one right now if you don't shut up." I smirk.

"I dare you to."

Author's note: Sorry it's so short, they'll be more though 💜

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