Chapter 4: Adapting

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Namjoon made you his constant companion, or that's what you call it. He calls you his princess, however, you truly hate it. He'd always say it with more love than it should have. Because you're his princess, you're always there wherever he is. If he's on his throne, you're on his lap. If he's going away on a trip, you're riding on his shire horse together. If he's sending someone to their death, of course, you're there. He only has eyes for you. He wants you two to become very close.

Sure, you may have to watch people die each day by Namjoon, however, you're quickly starting to know how things work around the kingdom. Having dinner with Namjoon isn't as bad as you thought it was. He acts like a gentleman with you. It's truly shocking to see how he quickly turns into a dragon when he's angry at someone. That's what you call him in secret, an angry dragon with a fiery temper.

He rarely ever gets mad with you. He's also never hurt you. He's very protective and even if you hurt yourself by accident he freaks out.

On the fifth day of being in the palace, a guard mistook you for a thief. He threatened you but ended up dying in the hands of Namjoon and was never heard of again. It honestly scares you how protective he is.

You sit in Namjoon's study. You come here to read or draw. Surprisingly, you feel rather at ease here.

Namjoon walks in, closing the door behind him. He smiles once he sees you sitting at his desk, drawing.

"I'm finished with my meeting." He walks over to you and kisses you on the cheek.

"You are?" You ask. "I thought it would be longer."

"I ended it early so I could spend some extra time with you." He peeks over your shoulder at the drawing. You drew a dragon.

"Are you into dragons?" He asks, cocking his head to the side.

"Kind of." You continue to work on your drawing.

His dragon-like eyes stare at you, watching you intently.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" You say finally.

"You look beautiful today." He says.

"Thank you." You get up from the chair and sit on the floor.

"Don't sit on the filthy floor." He scolds gently. "It'll ruin your dress."

"You're right." You agree, standing up. You dust off any dust that could be on you.

He smiles, pleased. "You missed a spot." He walks over to you.

"Where?" You ask, looking down.

He leans into your neck, kissing it gently.

You blush at the sudden contact.

He pulls away after a while. "It's gone now."

You glare at him.

He smiles, pinching your cheeks.

"Ouch! Do you have a death wish Prince Namjoon?"

He chuckles, stepping back. "You're adorable when you're angry."

You roll your eyes, blushing still.

Note to self: Some dragons like anything cute

A Dragon's Gem: Yandere Prince Namjoon x Princess reader Where stories live. Discover now