Chapter 6: Punishment

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Music isn't mine!

Your POV

"I don't want to scare you, but if I have to I will. Trust me princess, I can be really scary if I'm angry enough." He says to your shivering form.

At hearing those words you start to sob. Namjoon puts a finger to his lips.

"Shh... I won't hurt you if you apologize." He smiles.

"I'm... I'm sorry."

"For what princess?" He taunts you.

"For screaming and arguing with you."

"Very good. See? I knew you had some manners." He stands up and offers you his hand. It quickly reminds you of how you first met him when he 'saved' you. You take it, standing up beside him. "Every time you obey me, you'll get a small reward."

Your eyes go wide. "R reward?"

He chuckles. "It's nothing to be afraid of love. Just something to let you know you're being good."

You frown. "What if I don't behave myself?"

"You'll be punished. I'm afraid I'll have to punish you for screaming at me."

"But I apologized!" You say.

"You did and I'm very proud. However, you still need to learn. Your punishment today is spending the rest of the day with me."

"That's the punishment?"

"I couldn't ever hurt you. It's not like you tried to kill me." He laughs softly. "But keep in mind, the severity of the punishment will increase if what you say or do is worse. Understood?"

"Yes my prince." You say.

For the rest of the day, Namjoon watches your every move. It's really creepy.

For dinner, a servant brings some lasagna and salad to the room. Namjoon tastes it first, like usual, making sure none of it was poisoned.

"You don't have to do that you know."

"Do what?" He asks.

"Taste my food to see if it's poisoned. I can do that."

"No, we can't risk that."

"You can't risk it either."

He rolls his eyes, smiling. "I appreciate your concern princess." The prince seems to have a soft spot just for you.

He takes a forkful of some lasagna and feeds it to you. He's always feeding you.

"I'm still mad at you." You say softly.

"What did I do?" He looks hurt.

"That man you killed."

"Oh that? That's why you're mad?" He smirks. "I haven't killed him yet."

"Why not?"

"I like to play with my victims before they die."

You suddenly start choking on your food.

Namjoon gets up, putting his hand on your back.

You stop choking, sipping from your water glass.

"Is that shocking to you?" He asks.

"No. I used to." You sigh. "You kill people for sport. For fun. To use as trophies."

He seems amused by your statement. "That's correct princess."

"What? Are you proud of all that? Beating innocent people to get them to act as your little brainwashed puppets?"

"You're very smart aren't you?" He plays with a strand of your h/l, h/c hair. "However, we shouldn't be discussing these kinds of things at dinner. We can discuss them elsewhere." He smiles.

"S sorry." You bow your head.

"No worries. I'd rather talk about you or our strong relationship."

Is he for real?

"Namjoon, I've only known you for a month." You explain. "We haven't even built up a relationship yet."

"Of course we have! We sleep together, eat together, we even take baths together!"

"I didn't want to but you insisted."

"Then how CAN we make a good relationship?" He asks.

You blush. "I... I don't know. I've never been with anyone before."

"No Y/N, you do know. Tell me."

"Honestly, I sometimes don't trust you. So, we have to both trust each other."

"How can I make you trust me?"

"Well you can't make me exactly. However, you can make it easier."

"How?" He demands.

"You should be open and honest in a relationship. I see you get up in the middle of the night and go somewhere."

Namjoon's POV

How does she know this? I take a deep breath trying to steady myself.

Your POV

"I go hunting sometimes at night." He says finally.

"You go hunting at night?" You can hardly believe that.

He nods.

"Well anyways, try being honest. That will help build our relationship." You explain.

He seems to now understand. Or did he?

A Dragon's Gem: Yandere Prince Namjoon x Princess reader Where stories live. Discover now