Chaper 31: First and Last Battle

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Warning: Someone dies in this. Please don't be too mad at me. There's also blood and gore.

Jimin's POV

"We have an entire army now. We're gonna kill that damn thing." I say.

"Are you sure we can't just make him sign a peace treaty with us?" Hoseok asks.

"No, it's over. We're killing him." I get on my horse.

"How long have you let Y/N be with this dragon exactly? Why now?" Hoseok asks.

"Shut up. It took me a while to come up with a plan. And this time, I won't get hurt."

Your POV

You wake up in bed next to Namjoon and you stretch. "Namjoon where am I?"

"Hm? I took you upstairs to my bedroom. Y/N I'm so sorry." He purrs.

"Namjoon why would you do that?"

"I... it's just that, I was trying to teach you a lesson. But I just made things worse."

"You think I'll really forgive you after what you just did to me?" You sit up.

"Please, I said I was sorry." He nuzzles his face into your chest.

"Namjoon I-"

A loud gunshot goes off from outside along with angry screaming. A growl leaves Namjoon as he gets up and goes downstairs, you slowly follow him. When he opens the door, Jimin, V, Jungkook, Hoseok, and other people in armor are there, guns and weapons in hand.

"Are you fucking serious?" Namjoon fumes with rage.

"Shut your mouth your majesty." Jimin mocks. "We have decided that we don't want you here anymore."

"Oh? Now is that so? I'm not leaving." He growls. "However, YOU better leave before I kill you."

"Namjoon, I declare war on you!" Jimin screams.

"Jimin, no!" You cry.

"You shut up too Y/N! The time has come to slay the dragon!"

"I never wanted to fight. But if this is what you really want, so be it." And with that Namjoon calls for Hydra who roars, starting to attack.

Jimin takes his sword and tries stabbing it, but misses each time. Jungkook takes this as an opportunity to step on its foot. It throws its head back, screeching in pain before limping over to the king.

"H Hydra!" Namjoon cries. "How dare you hurt my loyal pet!"

"I don't give a fuck."

"Everybody shut it!" Everyone turns to see Gwi walking outside with Jin and Yoongi. "Both of you! This is no place to have an actual battle."

"Yes, I agree." Hoseok looks scared.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Jimin rolls his eyes.

"I am one of Kim Namjoon's friends. Anyways, from what I saw this looks really stupid. Both sides must have enough time to actually prepare. You can't just show up unannounced and declare war. It isn't fair to King Namjoon. So, let's fight tomorrow at sunset."

"Listen, fights either happen or they don't. They're not planned, they just happen." Jungkook glares. "Besides, Namjoon started all of this. He kidnapped our childhood friend."

At the mention of you the dragon growls softly.

"Guys wait. Please, let's not fight. Jimin you shouldn't threaten Namjoon, that's not nice." You scold him. Namjoon smirks, satisfied.

"And you!" You walk towards Namjoon who widens his eyes in surprise. "You shouldn't lock people up in the dungeon or wreck havoc on people's homes! Honestly everybody here with the exception of Hoseok is to blame. What have we become? Jimin, you're becoming a monster, you didn't use to be like this. The power has gotten to your head."

"This dragon's family killed mine!"

"But Namjoon didn't do that!" You defend him.

"Jimin, you didn't kill my family did you? Because I remember they were stuck in traps. And that sword you hold, it looks so familiar for some reason." His eyes glow red.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You asshole!" Namjoon pushes Jimin into the ground, rage in his eyes. "You killed my parents didn't you! It was you! You killed them! I just know you did!"

"Namjoon please get off of him!" Hoseok cries.

"It was you! It was you!"

"No it wasn't." Jimin struggles. "You don't know anything."

"Namjoon please let him go, this won't solve anything!" You scream. He turns to you and hisses.

"No! Let me kill him!"

"Namjoon wait-"

The dragon ignores you, taking a biting out of his cheek. Jimin screams, thrashing under the dragon. Blood drips down onto the ground.

"Namjoon stop!" You scream. "Stop it!" You pound on his back. He's about to rip his entire face off before a sword pierces through his heart. Namjoon gasps, falling, letting go of Jimin. You see Hoseok only a few feet away with a sword in hand. Once he makes eye contact with you, he drops it, tears in his eyes.

"Namjoon!" You cry out, running over to him. Hoseok runs to a bleeding Jimin, also crying.

Gwi and the others stand there in shock.

"Namjoon, please, you can't die!" You hold his hand in yours. He looks up at you, the sword still in his bloody chest.

"I deserve this. I've been..." He coughs out some blood. "Terrorizing this village for years. I've hurt so many people. I've hurt you." He struggles to move closer to you.

"Why are you so stupid Kim Namjoon? Why did you have to do this?!" You sob uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry. So sorry. I'll always love you princess." He uses every strength in his body left to stroke your head softly. You hear his last breath before he closes his eyes.

"No no no! You can't die!" You scream, pounding your fists on his back, hoping he'd react. "Namjoon wake up!"

"He's dead Y/N. He's not coming back." Hoseok tells you.

"Y you killed him!" You scream.

"Dammit Y/N! He was about to kill Jimin!" He tries to stay calm.

"Who the hell cares?! He's the one who started all this!"

Hydra crawls towards you, nuzzling you gently as of comforting you. You sigh, stroking him softly.

"Namjoon, I'm so sorry. I wish I could've helped you be a better person." You nuzzle yourself into his torn up cloak.

Jimin is still alive but he's barely breathing. Jungkook and V rush him back to the village to try to revive him. You sit on the ground with Gwi, Jin, Yoongi, and Hobi.

"Joonie." Yoongi has tears coming down from his eyes. He strokes his face.

"What now?" You ask as you look down at the dragon. The dragon who always complimented you and kept you company. You think back to when you first met Namjoon and how he used to leave cheesy annoying notes for you to find. His dimpled smile and how he was really protective of you. How at Christmas last year, you followed his traditions and told stories around the camp fire. Now he's gone. This can't be true can it?

Authors note: Ahhh I'm so sorry 😭 this isn't the last chapter btw 🥺

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