Chapter 10: Second nightmare

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(Pictures and music are not mine)

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(Pictures and music are not mine)

Your POV (Dream mode)

You and Namjoon ride his horse into the main village. What you see makes your heart sink.

Everything is one fire as giant smoke clouds are up in the sky. It looks like a living hell. People scream, evacuating from their homes.

RM smirks, getting off the horse. He helps you get down.

"N Namjoon... what is this?! What happened here?!" You scream, collapsing to the ground.

"This is my creation. The gift of darkness." He looks at the burning village proudly.

"Namjoon this is crazy! I can't believe you'd do such a thing!"

The sky is a deep blood red. You stare at the dark prince. He towers over you, chuckling softly.

You quickly look to see the white dress you were wearing before has been replaced with a long fire like gown. It matches the blood red sky. You gasp, startled.

Namjoon lets out a dark chuckle. "Do you like your new dress my princess of hell?"

You feel tears coming down as he wraps his arms around you, laughing evilly, pleased that you were a monster like him now.

You fall down to the ground, crying.

RM crouches, patting your back softly.

"Let it consume you love." He purrs in my ear. "Just give it a try, it's not so bad." His lips clash against yours.

You instinctively pull away. "Stay away from me!"

The prince smirks. "I'll see you later my princess. Enjoy my little present." He spreads out a pair of large dark, feathered wings and flies off.

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(This is what your fire dress looks like)

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(This is what your fire dress looks like)

You wake up in bed in a jolt. It was only a nightmare. You look down to see there's no fire gown and instead your regular white dress.

"What was that?" Your eyes are completely wide in a panic. With all the commotion you manage to wake Namjoon up. You forgot that he's here.

"Why are you shouting so loudly Princess?"

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" You ask softly.

He hums in response, turning over to your side. His dark eyes stare into you. "Don't worry about it. I was already awake. You were screaming and kicking in your sleep. But I didn't want to wake you. May I ask what your nightmare was about?"

"Y you..." You say without even thinking.

Namjoon looks surprised, however, he then chuckles. "Is that so? How cute." He strokes your h/l h/c hair softly.

"You shouldn't be happy about it. It scared me." You pout.

He gets up, arms out.

"What are you doing?" You ask.

"Do you want a hug princess? You might feel better?"

You hesitantly get between his arms and he wraps them around you protectively.

"I would never hurt you. Nightmares aren't real." You feel his chest vibrate as he chuckles.

"Have you ever had a nightmare?" You gently pull away from his tight, warm embrace.


"What was it about?"


"W what?"

The prince rubs the back of his neck. "I don't... I find elephants very strange."

"Oh, that sounds like such a nightmare." You laugh. "Why elephants? Why not lions or bears?"

"As a child growing up, I was almost trampled by one. Another kingdom brought it as a gift to my mother and father, the king and queen. It was in captivity so it snapped. While it was rampaging, I was in its path. I was able to move out of the way in time because the people who brought it shot it."

Your eyes go wide again. "They killed it?"

He nods.

You didn't know what to say after that. What could you say?

"Also, this stays between you and me. No one else needs to know about this."

"I understand." You say.

Hey guys, I hope you like this story so far. I heard RM actually say he's afraid of elephants one time. I plan on continuing this story and hopefully working on others in the future. 💜😊

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