Chapter 15: The Master of all Evil

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Warning: This chapter contains uncomfortable scenes and toxic relationships. Please feel free to skip this chapter if it makes you uncomfortable in any way

Anyways back to the story ☺️ (Also since Namjoon is a dragon in this, I kinda got my inspiration from Maleficent)

Disclaimer: The pictures don't belong to me and belong to their rightful owners

Your POV

"What?! Why would you say that?"

"Because you're mine princess..."

"Namjoon just shut up." You say without thinking but then you instantly regret it.

Namjoon turns toward you, growling lowly.

"I'm sorry... I... I didn't mean to..."

"It was cute at first how stubborn you were being but now you're being plain rude princess. It's time for your punishment." He narrows his dark eyes at you.

"What's the punishment?" Your eyes widen in fear.



"You heard me baby girl... strip for daddy." He smirks.

"And if I don't?"

Namjoon's face darkens.

You blush, turning away. "F fine but if anyone finds out about this..."

Namjoon chuckles darkly, his Adam's apple bobbing as he does. "Oh princess, you have my word."

You gulp as you start taking your dress off in front of him. Soon, you're just left in your black panties and bra.

"Good girl." Namjoon purrs. "Black looks good on you."

"Okay um... we're done now. Can I put my clothes back on?"

Namjoon smirks. "No, get in the bed with me."

"Namjoon please... I'm scared." You whimper.

"Come on, it'll be fun." He grabs your arm.

"Let me go!" You scream, struggling out of his grip.

Before he can respond, Jimin enters the room... without knocking. He stares at you basically naked standing in front of Namjoon.

"What's going on in here?" He demands, glaring at the Prince.

"Jimin help me!" You cry out.

Jimin tries to ignore that you have no clothes on, and quickly grabs one of the blankets on the bed. You wrap yourself in it, running behind Jimin. You find your clothing on the floor and quickly put them back on.

Namjoon growls, not liking the way you and Jimin were close like that.

"Look, I don't know what you did to her or what the hell is going on, but this doesn't look good. You need to leave." Jimin gets angry.

"Oh do I? But I'm the Prince and I can have anything I desire. I can call my guards right now if I wanted t..."

Jimin suddenly throws a punch at the Prince's face. Namjoon let's out a sharp cry and stumbles back.

A Dragon's Gem: Yandere Prince Namjoon x Princess reader Where stories live. Discover now