Chapter 27: The Dark Fae

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Your POV

"The Dark Fae? Who is he?" You ask the prince who smirks.

"Just an old friend. Used to hang out with me and Prince Wang."

"But you'll talk to him right? I already summoned Hydra for you."

Namjoon sighs. "I'm sorry if I'm asking too much of you. It's just that..."

"You said you just needed my support and to basically sit down and look pretty." You snap. "I didn't sign up for summoning monsters."

"Sorry. I'll do it this time obviously."

"Namjoon." You say. "I feel like you're treating me like one of your servants instead of your princess." You walk up to him.

"Y/N, stop." He growls.

"I didn't think you'd have me do all of your dirty work for you!" You scream.

"I SAID STOP!" He kicks a table containing a mini diagram of the kingdom and village. It all crumbles to the floor and you widen your eyes, backing away.

Namjoon looks slightly guilty and worried, but his serious demeanor quickly returns. "Listen. We must win this battle. And in order to do that, I need peace and quiet! So if you're not going to help, then leave!"

You stand there still as a statue. This was not your Namjoon. This was someone else.

His glaring dragon eyes stare into you, unforgiving.

You hesitantly walk past him and leave them room, shutting the door quietly. Namjoon has never kicked you out of his office like this before from all the time you've lived here with him. You feel tears start to form in your eyes as you just stand there in front of his door.

"Is Namjoon available? I need to talk to him about something." Yoongi walks up to you.

You sniffle, trying to keep your composure. "I... I don't think so. He's pretty angry right now." You sit on the floor, back up against the wall.

"What's wrong? You're crying." He sits down next to you, looking genuinely concerned.

"Yeah. He... he yelled at me for the first time."

To your surprise, the guard bursts out laughing. You feel hurt.

"That's the reason you're crying?" He tries to calm himself. "Man. I thought you hurt yourself or something. Look..." he puts his arm on your shoulder and pats it a few times before sighing. "This really isn't a big deal, I promise. This isn't unusual for Namjoon to do when he feels overworked or stressed. It just happened to be you at the time. He still loves you."

"Are you sure?" You ask.

He laughs again. "Trust me Y/N, I've known him for a long time and he's even yelled at me, but we're still cool."

"That makes me feel a little bit better. I thought he'd never talk to me again. He just seemed so pissed."

"Yeah, he just needs some space." He reassures you, getting up and offering his hand. You get up and sigh.

"Namjoon is sensitive and afraid deep down inside. He just won't admit it." Yoongi smiles at you.

The next day, you hear Namjoon talking to someone in his office so you eavesdrop in on the conversation. The person he's talking to has a bit of a deeper voice. Who was this person? You listen some more.

"And you haven't had children with her yet? I thought you wanted them so that you could have at least one heir to your throne you fucking reptile?" You hear the other male chuckle.

Wait, was he talking about you? You thought. Was Namjoon really planning on having children with you?

"I plan on having her carry my dragon pups very soon." You hear Namjoon say. "It's breeding season soon for me."

You gasp, backing away from the door. Did he just say you were going to have his... his dragon pups?! You can't believe this. You hear the door starts to open so you run and hide around the corner, watching.

Namjoon walks out with a man around his height, which is surprising since Namjoon is technically a dragon. You take notice of their features and see he has long, dark hair. His eyes are dark and haunting. He wears a long silk robe that drags along the floor. He notices you staring behind the corner and smirks. But he doesn't say anything and continues to follow him.

Was this the dark fae Namjoon was talking about to you earlier?

Before you can think about the answer, you feel someone from behind put their hands around you. You look up and see him. The man that you just saw.

"Y you!" You stammer.

The man hushes you softly, putting a finger to his lips. He then pulls you close to him, inhaling your scent. You widen your eyes.

"Who are you?"

"Namjoon didn't tell you about me yet?" He looks sad. "Pity."

"So, you're the dark fae then?"

His face lights up and he bows. "A close friend of Namjoon. What's a pretty girl like yourself doing in these hallways all by herself?" He looks sad.

Before you can open your mouth, you hear a low, guttural growl and you and the stranger turn around to see Namjoon fuming with rage.

"Namjoon?" You get worried. "It's not what it looked like..."

He ignores you, storming over to the fae before slapping him on the face.

"You! You dare flirt with my mate!" He growls.

"Mate? I thought she was one of your servants!" The fae looks angry. "It's too bad. She's so beautiful."

Namjoon goes over to you. "Are you alright? Did he touch you anywhere else?!"

"N no!"

The fae scoffs. "You've forgotten who's the real pervert here."

"Lee Soo Hyuk!"

"Okay, okay. Sorry." He looks embarrassed. "Let's start over. I'm Lee Soo Hyuk." He smiles at you as he kisses your hand gently. Namjoon gets in between you two and starts nuzzling himself against your body. Like literally almost grinding himself up against you. Now you're really confused. You've never seen him do this to you before. Let alone in front of someone else!

"Um... Namjoon?" You ask.

"Hm?" He hums.

"What are you doing? Is this really ness.."

"He's in heat. It's gonna be breeding season for him and he's feeling threatened cause of me." Lee Soo Hyuk chuckles.

"I'm not in heat. I'm just extra clingy today it seems." The dragon glares at him as he continues to cuddle you. This just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Author's note: Hey so if you don't already know, Lee Soo Hyuk is one of my favorite Korean actors. I first watched him in Scholar who walks the night. But he had to be featured in this story! 😉💜

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