Chapter 26: The Prince's Pet

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Your POV

"A smaller version of that prick?" Jin scoffs. "You're delusional."

The Hydra growls softly, one of its heads nearing towards you. You take part of the cloak and hold it up to the monster. It inhales its scent and suddenly nuzzles all three of its heads against you, purring loudly.

"Hydra, please. I'm Kim Namjoon's princess. He needs you badly for a war." You say.

He looks at you, cocking its heads to the side. He seems to understand you.

"Namjoon wanted me to find you. You must still really love him." You stroke one of the heads under its chin. It continues to purr.

"Ugh can we please go now?" Jin groans.

Before you can speak, Hydra lowers itself and looks at you, as if inviting you to get on its back.

"He's offering us a ride back to the castle." Yoongi smiles as he gets on its back. You follow suit and notice Jin just standing there still.

"What are you waiting for? Get on." You get impatient.

"I refuse to ride this thing." He glares at Hydra who narrows his eyes. These two were not going to get along well.

"Namjoon will have your head if you don't get on." You smirk, offering him your hand. He sighs, taking it and getting on behind you.

The Hydra lets out a loud roar and breaks into a fast sprint.

"Does he knows where he's going?" Yoongi asks.

"Probably." You say.

When you get to the castle, Hydra quickly runs inside, breaking the doors slightly.

"Woah, hold on!" Yoongi laughs, patting the beast softly. He stops and lets you all get off.

Namjoon enters and you notice he's wearing this...

He smirks at you after noticing you staring

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He smirks at you after noticing you staring. "I see you like my battle outfit darling." He walks up to you, pecking you softly on the cheek. You blush. Hydra gets in between you two, standing on its hind legs. The heads all cuddle up to the prince of darkness, nipping playfully at his neck. Namjoon chuckles, stroking Hydra on its middle head.

"I missed you too my dear pet." He coos.

"So... why did you decide to send him away?" You ask, genuinely curious.

Namjoon turns to you as Hydra continues to go crazy. "He was very protective of me. Wouldn't even let me talk to any of my guards. He wouldn't let anyone near me. I felt bad that I took him out of his natural habitat. So I let him go." He looks sad.

"Well it looks like he really missed you too." You smile. He smiles back before turning to Hydra again.

"You'll get to destroy villages and kill millions of armies for me my dear pet." He smirks. It lets out a small growl of approval.

Your stomach sinks. You forgot the reason why you found Hydra in the first place. For Namjoon to kill his enemies and take over. What have you done?

Namjoon let's out a dark chuckle, wrapping his arm around you in your train of thought.

"Thank you so much princess. You've been such a good help to me." He wraps his cloak around you protectively.

Oh, what have you done?

A Dragon's Gem: Yandere Prince Namjoon x Princess reader Where stories live. Discover now