Chapter 17: Prince Wang saves the day?

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Your POV

You open your eyes and you see you're in a grand living area. The nice furniture adds a nice touch you think. Jackson is lying on the couch, smirking at you.

"You!" You exclaim, pointing at him.

"Is that how you treat someone who just saved your ass princess?" He chuckles.

"Excuse her behavior please." Namjoon glares at you.

"I'll think about it." He yawns.

"So what now?" You ask.

"Well, you can't go back outside. That's for sure. They'll catch you. Namjoon specifically. How did this even happen?"

Namjoon's about to answer but you beat him to it. "Well a giant lizard went crazy on my childhood friend, destroyed my old village, tried to kidnap me and here we are."

"That's not what happened." The dragon huffs.

The prince looks amused. "You two look like a good match for each other. Y/N I never knew you had a fiery temper like Joonie."

"Fuck you." Namjoon growls under his breath.

"Have some tea." He gives you a little saucer. You take it and sip softly as the dragon paces back and forth.

Someone knocks on the door. "Come in." The prince says.

A beautiful girl around your age walks in. She has long, dark hair in a little bun. She wears a traditional red and white Hanfu. She looks very shy and quiet as she enters. You're slightly surprised. She doesn't look like a snob at all.

"This is Ji-Won." The prince wraps an arm around her, inviting her onto his lap. She makes a small bow at you and Namjoon. You bow back.

"Nice to meet you... princess...."

"Y/N, I'm Y/N." You smile softly. She smiles back.

"Nice to meet you princess Y/N. And you must be the softie dragon my prince told me about." She winks. The prince shushes her as Namjoon only chuckles.

The four of you chat, mostly about what happened with you and Namjoon.

"I'm sorry about what happened with your village." Ji-Won looks sad. "If you ever need another girl to talk to, talk to me. Please." She smiles. You say the same to her. You realize that other than Namjoon, you don't have anyone else to spend time with. Maybe Ji-Won would be your friend.

"Jimin could be raising an army as we speak." Jackson sighs. "Y/N you said he's your childhood friend right?"

"Yes? Why?"

"You need to convince him to drop the witch hunt. Namjoon could be in serious danger!" He looks angry.

You widen your eyes. "I... I... I'm not sure if he'll listen."

"She's right. He pushed her after she defended me." Namjoon explains. "It's not her fault."

"Can't we just show them that dragons are good?" Ji-Won asks.

"It's not that easy. Namjoon has killed thousands of innocents." The prince says. "And... I have too."

You and Ji-Won look at each other in horror.

"Um, Ji-Won why don't you go show Y/N your room while I have a talk with Namjoon." Jackson says.

"Yes my prince." She bows. "Come on." She takes your hand. You notice that she smells like strawberries. Or was it cotton candy? Either way, this girl had the best perfume.

Author's note: Finally, another chapter. Sorry it's so short! I'm also so sorry I haven't been writing for a while. I've been very busy. But I'm so happy I'm able to write again ☺️💜

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