Chapter 18: Child's play

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The video/music is not mine!

Your POV

You and Ji-Won quickly go up the stairs and she literally pushes you in and closes the door. Her room is all pink: Pink bed with teddy bears, pink dresser and stool, pink rug, pink curtains, pink everything.

"What the hell-"

"Shhh!" She shushes you. "I have to talk to you about something." She looks serious. She barricades the door with a chair twice her size but she manages to move it.

You look at her to go on, sitting on her bed.

"You're probably wondering why I just barricaded the door. It's so that they won't hear us."

"So that who won't hear us?"

"Our masters."

"Namjoon doesn't really make me call him that. Does Prince Wang?"

"Oh... yes. He does." She sighs, sitting next to you on the bed. "It won't be long before Namjoon starts making you too. I hope I'm not the only princess that sees and hears what's going on behind closed doors in this kingdom." She whispers.

"What do you mean?"

"Well you see... Prince Wang... and Namjoon... d do you know what they do when they think we're not around or watching?"

"I might... don't they... kill people?"

"Yes but it's much darker than that."

"Trust me, I just saw it with my own eyes a few hours ago."

"What happened?"

"You don't wanna know."

"If I were you, I'd stick up to Namjoon. If you don't, he'll start beating you. Just like my prince did to me."

"He's been beating you?!"

She nods, a few tears falling from her face.

"That dipshit. I'm so sorry." You hug her. "I wish there was a way of how I could help."

"I think I have a plan." She smirks. "Just to mess with both of them."

"Im listening." You say.

You and Ji-Won talk for hours and you really get to know her. You feel horrible for judging her before. You just figured since Prince Wang seemed like a total weirdo, she might be too.

There's a knock on the door. "Prince Wang is calling you ladies back downstairs." A servant calls.

"I hope this works." You say to her.

When you two go downstairs, both of your "masters" are standing by the door, talking to each other.

Ji-Won turns to you. "Just like we rehearsed."

You nod.

You walk to Namjoon's side.

"Princess, we have to go now. It's very late. Say goodbye to Ji-Won." Namjoon smiles at you.

You shake your head and go and stand next to her. Namjoon looks slightly surprised.

"Ji-Won, come here!" Prince Wang looks angry. She sticks her tongue out at him. He gasps.

You both turn your backs on them like two little children.

"She's never acted like this until she met your Ji-Won." Namjoon accuses.

"My princess?! She most likely got it from yours! Which by the way, is an insolent little brat!" Prince Wang fires back.

"At least mine isn't sticking her tongue out at her elders!" Namjoon gets angry.

"I put more discipline in Ji-Won. She knows her place here! No doubt that it was yours who influenced her to behave this way!" He grabs Ji-Won's arm and pulls hard. She whimpers softly. Without thinking, you go and bite him on the arm. He cusses, letting go.

"That little rabid bitch bit me! Get her under control!" He screams. You get scared and hide behind Namjoon who glares at him.

"Come Y/N, we're leaving." Namjoon tries to stay calm. You obey, walking out the door behind him. You look back to see Ji-Won smiling at you. You smile back.

Back at the castle, Namjoon has a word with you in his office. (Uh oh, looks like someone's in trouble XD)

"I don't know where you got that horrible behavior from Y/N. That was not acceptable. Prince Wang invited us into his home and helped us. And then you and Ji-Won were acting like immature children! From now on, you won't be seeing her again."

"I'm sorry Joonie." You pout. You're still pissed at him for what happened before.

"As for the incident before, Jackson said it'll be okay as long as I'm more careful. I'm sorry I did that."

You're surprised of his apology. Something he rarely does. "I guess it's okay. You didn't kill anyone. Just... please don't do it again."

"I'll try. However, I have to be honest with you princess, it was kind of funny that you bit Prince Wang." He smirks. "However, you also can't just go around biting others." He pats your head softly.

"Okay." You nod.

Yay another chapter completed! Thank you all for being so patient with me and voting for my story! So basically the moral of this chapter is that Namjoon treats you like a child. Ji-Won included. We'll if they're gonna treat you like children, mind as well act like them right? 😂

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