Chapter 22: Taming a dragon

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Your POV

Warning: Making out, cuddling, dragon Joon purring (you'll need some holy water after this. Sorry it's so short). 😐

You sit on the floor in Namjoon's office, watching him work. He wanted you to be with him so he could make sure you stayed out of trouble. While he's working, you make carpet angels on the floor like it was snow. Namjoon raises his eyebrow in confusion at your silliness. You stare right back at him. You guess that he takes it at the challenge since he doesn't look away. You stand up, making your way to his desk. He looks up at you as you stroke his head softly. He nudges your hand slightly, making that familiar purring sound. You like teasing him every now and then. You have to admit, he is adorable at times. You make your way into his lap and he looks slightly surprised at your actions. You smirk, tracing his scales up and down his neck. He growls softly, craning his neck for better access. He wraps his arms around you as you put your hands through his dark hair. You feel around his horns. They're a smooth but slightly bumpy texture if that makes any sense. He moans and starts nipping at your shoulder. He accidentally scraps his fangs too hard on you and some blood draws. You feel his tongue lap it up and you widen your eyes. It's like you can't stay away from him. There's some kind of... attraction. But you want to hate him so badly. What was this?

His lips make their way to yours and he kisses you softly. You feel your insides do flips. "Namjoon..." You moan.

"Your Majesty?" The doors to his office open and Jin walks in. When he sees you basically melting in Namjoon's lap and Namjoon holding you close, he blushes like crazy.

The dragon lets out a low, guttural growl. "Get. Out."

Jin just stands there, staring. You know he's in deep shit when Namjoon slams the desk. You flinch.

"Seokjin! Get the hell out! This isn't a threesome!" He screams.

"Ahh!" You jolt up in Namjoon's bed. "What the hell was that all about?" You had another crazy dream about Namjoon.

"Princess, are you alright?" The prince asks. You completely forget that he's in bed next to you.

"Um yeah. I'm fine." You try to stay calm.

He sits up in the bed, and you notice he has no shirt on. You blush, covering your face.

"Are you shy because I have no clothes on my upper half princess?" He smirks.

"Namjoon for goodness sake! For once just put a god damn shirt on!" You cry out.

"Why don't we cuddle for a bit instead? Princess, I heard you saying my name in your sleep. Were you perhaps dreaming about me?"

"Shut up. You misheard me." You glare.

"We can recreate that dream of yours right now if you'd like." He smiles.

"Uhh no thanks. Maybe some other time." You laugh.

He huffs dramatically, crossing his arms. You roll your eyes.

For the rest of the day, you can't stop thinking about what you and Namjoon did in your dream. Did he put a spell on you or something? Were you actually starting to fall for him? (Um yeah girl, you are). XD

Also I changed the ending to this chapter to have this be a dream lol sorry 😅

A Dragon's Gem: Yandere Prince Namjoon x Princess reader Where stories live. Discover now