Chapter 23: Sleepless nights

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't been active for a while. Been really busy with school and family. But I'm back now! I recently got a Namjoon fansite slogan off of Etsy and it's so cute! 🥺💜 Anyways, back to the story!

Your POV

Namjoon has been really busy lately. He barely talks to you and spends most of the time in his office. You feel hurt. He's also still worried about what Jimin might be up to. He's been awake at night, basically looking like a vampire. One night, you knock on the door to his office.

"Namjoon? Are you alright?" When he doesn't answer you sigh. "I'm coming in." You turn the door knob. When you walk inside, you see him sitting in the dark, eyes looking restless.

"Princess, go back to bed. It's late." He looks at you.

"Yeah, no shit! You look tired." You walk over to him and sit on his desk in front of him.

He yawns. "I just have to do one last paper..."

"Namjoon no. How will you be able to function if you don't get any sleep?" You stroke his head softly.

"Dragons don't need to sleep." He smirks.

"Says who?"

"Me of course. I am the prince here after all. I'm sorry if it seems like I haven't been paying attention to you recently. However, it's not you. It's just a really busy week for me."

You nod and look at his desk, seeing a few Ryan plushies. "I didn't know the mighty dragon was into Kakao and friends." You tease. "He's such a cute bear."

"Bear?! Ryan is a lion!"

"No way. Look at him. He looks exactly like a bear." You pick up one of the plushies.

"Go back to bed. Seriously. I'll be there in a few minutes." He yawns again. "Take that Ryan plushie with you." He pats your head.

"Fine." You jump down from his desk. "Goodbye." You leave the room, shutting the door. You hear him groan loudly.

You sit in bed trying to go back to sleep but you can't. You're too worried about Namjoon. He's overworking himself you think. You hold the little Ryan plushie close to you, playing with his ear.

"Fuck you Kim Namjoon." You say. "You work too hard."

Hoseok's POV

"Are you sure we won't get caught?" I ask Taehyung.

"Someone needs to check on her. Jimin told us to. Just go around the side of the castle. They won't see you."

"I don't like this at all. But okay." He hands me the rope. "This is ridiculous. Why do I have to be the one to do this. Why not you?"

"Because, I have to stay here with Jasmine." He pets the horse on the back. "Now shut up and start climbing."

Your POV

You're half asleep and you wake up once you hear tapping. You look up, seeing someone outside the window.

"What the hell? Hoseok?" You get up and run to the window, opening it. He tumbles in.

"What are you doing here? If Namjoon finds out he'll-"

"Shhh! Don't scream. Please. Anyways, Jimin sent me and Taehyung to check on you."

"H how did you even get up here?!"

"You're only on the third floor. Not too high. I've been higher." He shrugs.

"Like on drugs?"

"N no! Listen, we're in huge danger."

"I know. Are the others okay?"

"Yes. They're okay for now. But Jimin still is planning on killing the prince."

"Are you for that?"

"Honestly Y/N, I'm not. A deadly war could start because of this. Jimin doesn't realize that yet."

"So what are you suggesting? We kill Jimin before he can kill Namjoon?" You ask.

Before he can answer, you can hear footsteps coming.

"Fuck- you need to get out of here!" You push Hoseok towards the window. He trips on the rug and falls. You hear the doorknob turning.

"Dammit! Just hide!" You hiss. He nods before getting up and going instead the closet. You jump up on the bed, pulling the covers up.

Namjoon comes into the room, his brows furrowed as if deep in thought. He looks exhausted. "Princess, what time is it?"

"It's four in the morning." You say, trying not to look in the direction of the closet.

Namjoon nods, walking in that direction.

"What are you doing?" You widen your eyes.

He turns to you, confused. "Getting my pajamas to change into."

"Don't bother! Like I said, it's four in the morning. Just sleep in what you're wearing."

He narrows his eyes. "What's that smell?"

"What smell?" You panic inside. You forgot that dragons have a good sense of smell.

"Like someone was in here with you before. It seems like it's coming from over here." He walks closer toward the closet.

You get up and run, pushing him away. "No you can't!"

"What?" He looks confused.

"I mean... you can't because it's probably just coming from the kitchen and..."

"Why is the window open like that?" He points. God dammit-

"I felt like getting some fresh air."

"At four O'Clock in the morning?" He raises an eyebrow. "Whatever you're hiding from me princess, you know I'll find out soon enough."

"I'm not hiding anything."

"Then prove it."


"If you're not hiding anything, open that closet." He crosses his arms.

"The closet?"

"Y/N are you deaf? I said open the closet! Now!" He raises his voice. You flinch at his sudden outburst.

When you don't budge, he sighs. "Fine. Then I'll open it." He walks past you and pulls both doors of the closet at once. Hoseok is nowhere to be found. Either he's a good hider or he was able to leave when the two of you weren't looking.

There's nothing there." Namjoon goes inside.

"Yeah, there's nothing there because I was telling the truth Namjoon." You roll your eyes.

He shakes his head, grabs his pajamas and closes it. "Then why did you look so nervous?"

"I didn't want you to worry about getting ready for bed." You lie, closing the window.

"Well, thank you." He still looks unsure. You both get in the bed.

That was a close one. You think.

Hoseok's POV
"What happened in there? Did he see you?"

"Almost. I was able to leave before he saw."

"Let's go." Tae helps me up onto the horse.

Your POV

Namjoon is out like a light. He keeps wiggling and bumping into you while you try to sleep.

"N Namjoon!" You try to push him further away from you. He growls softly in his sleep, ignoring you.

You huff, sitting up. The bed has been taken over by a stupid dragon. You notice him get close, his face nuzzling into your lap. You blush, staring at his sleeping form.

You too eventually fall asleep.

A Dragon's Gem: Yandere Prince Namjoon x Princess reader Where stories live. Discover now