Author's note

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Hey guys, sorry about the last chapter. It was terrible. I'm so sorry for anyone who read it. Anyways I'm pretty happy about this story and I'm excited to continue it. There is something I've thought about and that's Namjoon being a dragon in this story. The reader may also be half-dragon half-human. I haven't decided yet but I think I might go with this. That's the reason why Namjoon is so cold and ruthless here. It's in his nature to be. His parents died because of vicious dragon slayers and ever since Namjoon has been wanting revenge on humanity/humans. He doesn't really change into his dragon form unless he really has to or when he's alone. And no the reader wouldn't know that she's part dragon. She'd discover it. Oh and she'll discover Namjoon in his dragon form one day and freak out. I haven't exactly decided what he'll look like as a dragon yet but he'll definitely have wings and maybe dark, purple scales. And yes, if he's a dragon he obviously has a hoard of gold somewhere in the castle. He sits on it and purrs content in his dragon form. Basically he's adding you the reader to his collection. Let me know what you guys think. Okay, bye! 💜

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