Chapter 33: The Dragon and His Evil Queen

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Disclaimer: Music and pictures aren't mine

Your POV

Now that your Namjoon was back in charge, things just got worse for the nearby regions and villages. He burnt most of them to the ground.

You sit on the ground on a satin cushion by Namjoon's feet while he sits on his throne. You watch as he screams at a new servant. Hydra is lying down next to you as you stroke the beast softly.

"I'm getting quite fed up with you human. Last week you failed to bring dinner in on time, the other day I caught you slacking off in my hallways, and yesterday you snapped at my queen."

You remembered that. You were walking to Namjoon's office to have lunch with him and you accidentally bumped into this human. He glared at you and told you to watch the hell where you're going before shoving past you. Little did he know that the dragon saw the entire thing.

"I I'm sorry my lord. I still haven't quite found my way around this large place yet. Please forgive me." He bows. "I'm sorry I snapped at your queen. I guess I didn't realize how important she was."

"Important?" Namjoon seethes. "I hate humans like you. I can usually tolerate the rest."

"How was I supposed to know?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Watch your tone. Last time I checked I tell all my new servants who are starting out about her." He strokes your head softly. "You should apologize to her."

"I did apologize."

"To me you did." Namjoon growls.

"Oh please forgive me my evil queen!" He dramatically gets on the ground, mocking you. Yoongi has his fists clenched while Jin looks nervous for what his fate will be.

"You are such a powerful queen aren't you? If Kim Namjoon wasn't around to protect you from every small thing that bothered you, you probably wouldn't act so feisty towards people." He laughs.  

You stare at him, unamused. 

"What do you think we should we do with him my dear queen?" Namjoon looks down at you.

You hum softly, deep in though. "That's a nice necklace. Where did you get it?" You stand up, looking at the pocket watch necklace around his neck.

"Why do you wanna know?" He scoffs. You want to straight up kill this man but you keep your composure.

"May I see it?" You ask.

He shakes his head. "I don't really like people touching my stuff."

You look up at Namjoon and he narrows his eyes at the servant. "She said give it to her."


Jin and Yoongi walk forward, spears in hand.

"O okay okay!" He takes it off, handing it to you. You take it and examine it for a second. Namjoon watches you with his dark eyes, moving to the side to get a closer look.

"Is this a very precious thing to you?" You ask as you walk over to stand by Namjoon's side.

"Yes my deceased grandfather gave me it and you're holding it in those nasty greasy fingers of yours. May I have it back now? It's... the only thing I really have left."

You shake your head before throwing it in the direction of the fireplace. It goes in, the flames quickly eating it up. The man gasps, eyes wide.

You let out a dark chuckle. "You did call me an evil queen earlier didn't you? Well, you were right."

A Dragon's Gem: Yandere Prince Namjoon x Princess reader Where stories live. Discover now