Chp 2 Sexual Desire

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[Megumi POV]

Now then-after done packing up for the trip that Gojo told us to do is done.

It took me an hour to call that idiot Itadori to wake up, he seriously is pain in the ass I would say.

I took my luggage and head out to Ijichi's car, his been a loyal driver for our second teacher, Kento. Gojo must have asked Kento to borrow his driver.

"Good morning Megumi" Ijichi smiles while opening the back door for me.

"Good morning, wait-wheres Nobara?" I asked.

Nobara kugisaki, a teammate of mine and Itadori as well, Three of us been fighting along side by side for a year now, I have to say, without these two idiots, my life would have end sooner.

"Your smiling Megumi?" the driver tilt his head.

"Nothing, is she late?" I asked while getting in the car.

"No I just got a call earlier said she went shopping, wanted a break time" the driver smiles while getting in too.

"Jeez, she has that much energy for shopping" I rolled my eyes.

"Wait wait!!" a voice yelling, running out with a red hoodie holding a blue luggage.

"Megumi, seriously I fell asleep again!!" he sat beside me, wearing his seat belt.

"Not my fault" I put on my headphones and listen to my tunes, scrolling my phone.

The music calms my mind in the morning, I look out the clouds when the car starts moving.

A sudden pat on my should as I look at Itadori's fat head laying on my shoulder.

His sleeping again-are you serious?

I wanted to wake him up but after flashback yesterday hardwork training really did make Itadori's muscles a serious cramp.

"You should have cancel for today idiot" I whisper at him without realising I was smiling.

I let him lay for a bit until I heard him whispering back.

"Sleep with me Megumi~" a familiar deep voice coming out from Itadori.

"Shut up Sukuna" I deepen my voice due to rage.

A mouth revealed on Itadori's cheek and he grins at me with his fangs.

"Why don't you chit-chat with me for a bit~?" Sukuna giggles.

"Piss off" I turn my head to face the window.

A wet lizard tounge licks my cheeks as I gave a rough slap at Itadori's face.

"Holy shit!!" Itadori groans in pain, wide awake.

"Ah..a mosquito" that's all I could say.

Forgive me Itadori.

"You can just wake me gently seriously" his eyes were still sleepy.

Sukuna went hiding mode again, what the hell did he just said to me? Dirty stuff? What's wrong with him?

"We are almost there" the driver call out.

Itadori gave a loud yawn and a long stretch, opening his eyes bigger and look at me with a kid's excitement expression.

"I wonder what new skills Gojo is going to teach us" he smiles.

"Maybe as usual, your not fully there yet" I keep my headphones.

"Awhh Im dieing to be strong like you Megumi!" he cries out,sounds annoying.

Strong like me huh? He must be trying to give me compliments, I was never the strongest in Gojo's eyes.
No matter how hard I train, he still says I never give out the best of me.

It hurts my ego-

After an hour of warming up, Gojo is still not yet arrive. What's up with him again? Buying souvenirs in this hour?

I sat down on the sand and watch Itadori playing with the sea. That dude really is a child but I can't judge, his childhood isn't a proper one.

Is it why I risk my life from protecting him? Because of his pure innocent personality? He really has a dead wish.

We all know that at the end, his death still won't be a proper one and I won't let that happen to him.

I lay back and stare at the bright sky, it feels calming just by listening to the seagulls and the ocean waves.

I slowly close my eyes and ended up falling asleep. Man I really am tired too,I'll just admit to that for now.

I open my eyes wide awake after hearing that voice again.

Im surrounded by darkness, skulls and bones under my feet. I keep myself calm. What is this? His going to kill me now?

"Calm down~I just want a talk with you~" a dark voice ahead of me.

Sukuna, sitting on his throne, in his domain, I'm trapped.

I let out my curse flames, preparing to strike that punk ass off his seat.

"Oh wow chill~I didn't invite you here for a fight, besides~it's not your time to die yet~Megumi kunn~" he smirks.

"What do you want?" I grip my fits.

"let's just say~"
"a fucking maybe?~"

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