Chap 5 Deep Thoughts

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[Sukuna POV]

His been unconscious for hours now, really makes me worry. Did I just killed my favourite puppy?

I have no choice but to send him back to the surface, I can't face him anymore. I broke the promise that the sex will feel good,i feel shit right now.

He can try to kill me when his awake but damn, I finally got to feel his virginity.

The thing that bothers me is that he doesn't seem enjoying it. I'm the best sex-king back in the days, am I doing it too much?

Megumi did suffer alittle and that's what I want to see, his cute face begging me to stop-but when I see him forcing himself not to shed any tears...

"Megumi-you really are amazing" I laughed.

Itadori was unconscious too when I pulled Megumi into my domain so he doesn't know.

But I do hope his alright-

So I can fuck him again someday-

The sex really is the best I ever felt in a thousand years-but being gay isn't my concern. When I want something - I get it.

I took over Itadori's body and carried Megumi back to his place, his room isn't much, just a picture of his family photo on his desk.

I swear he can be rich just by being a male stripper. Why suffer so much as a jujutsu student? Does he have a goal in the future?

I do want to stay and see his reaction but something inside of me asking me not to, So I left his room without a word.


[Megumi POV]

This is scarier than any battle I fought before, felt like I'm being raped by him over and over again in my dream.

One thing I hate the most is giving too much of myself to strangers, I was once a fighter back in high school, everyone is afraid of me.

But he dosen't, he called me a 'puppy' -what is wrong with him?

I opened my numb eyes, looking around on my bed, Im back in my dorm.The curtain is dark so it must have been sun down already-

"Shit!!the training!" I jumped off my bed in pain, looking for my phone.

Scrolling down to Gojo's message and I can't believe what I just saw-

*Hey my fav Megumii, I hope you went back home safely and I'm sorry i wasn't able to make it to the beach today, hope your having fun with Itadoriつ ◕◡◕つ✩✩✩*

I feel like beating up Gojo now but what's up with him sending emojis like that all the time? to make me feel better?

"Favourite Megumi huh-" I repeat the chat and smiled.

I put down my phone and a sudden pain on my shoulder, I look at the mirror seeing myself covered in Sukuna's bite marks.

I swear I'll kill him one day-

Wait-why didn't I try to stop him? I start yelling in frustration and went straight to the shower.

The water is cold and nice but it still hurts my wounds repeatedly, just like how Sukuna did-keep on fucking me and never stop.

I blushed just by thinking of him giving me a blowjob-snap out of it, I'm not gay!

The pain can be gone after a few days but the memory won't-it will hunt me forever.

Damn it Megumi fushiguro-your a loser, your no better than Itadori or the others-I do really wish the sex never happen but it just did!

This makes me realise I never put myself first - only my friends and family. Maybe one day I'll be dead sooner if I make this choice over and over again.

The shower didn't let my ugly thoughts go away, it makes me reflect my stupid mistakes all over again.

I look myself naked in the mirror, the bite marks were pretty deep no matter how much I try to wait for it to be naturally healed.

Not for long a sudden knock on my doorstep, I quickly wore a shirt with long sleeves-this could hide the bite marks.

I opened the door slowly and look up to a familiar face that dosen't appear recently, or not even once-

"Megumi-do you have a minute?" his voice were deep.

"Uh sure Noritoshi-" I replied,opening the door fully.

Noritoshi Kamo, a third year student that I fought before until there's was a messy incident due to the monsters break-in.

But he fought beside me, helping me out, we haven't talked since weeks after the incident happened. It was awkward but he did thank me along the way back.

I shut the door behind me after he entered quietly. He always wore a black old-fashioned Kimono as a uniform-

Strange-it reminds me of Sukuna, they wore the same style.

The reason why I never or planned not to talk to much to him is because the last competition he tricked us by leaving Itadori behind so he could have a chance to kill him on the scene.

I'm not forgiving him just yet even if he saved my life.

"I know we never had a proper conversation for a while Megumi" he sat down and gave a warm smile.

"Is there something you want to discuss?" I asked,sipping my tea that I just prepared.

"You might hate me right now due to last time-"

"I'm not-just confused, still-I don't trust people that easily" I sat down the cup, still not looking at him.

"Did something bad happen? You seem very down" he asked.

"Training-rough training" I looked out the window.

"I'm not here to insult you or show justice-I need you Megumi" he smiled.

Need me? What is he up to now?

"I watch-and I learned that every move you do is worth to be well deserve a reward-"

"If this is about assassinate Itadori- your wrong , I'm not like you" I stared at him, wanting him to stop.

"Believe me-you know the world safety is more important, you will able to see your sister again"

That last line hits the core in me and it make me break my cup just by gripping it too hard.

"Megumi-I'll give you time to think about this, I as well want to see my mother again after the world is safe, we all want to go home as soon as possible and forget the misery" he stood up and left.

I do want to see my sister again and that punk is really watching me, it's my fault that my sister was cursed into a coma and yet I haven't found who did it yet-

This world is cruel..

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬:☽︎Sukuna's Pet☾︎ [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now