Chap 12 The Devil's Doll

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[Megumi POV]

Eventually everyone have to wake up from their dream.

I looked around, the room is white- must be the hospital. Did I just passed out like a girl again? Damn it.

Someone walked in and it was a doctor, he smiled.

"I'm glad you seem your alright" he took a chair to sat beside my bed.

"How did I get here?"

"Megumi Fushiguro right?" he flipped the papers.


"Your Taxi driver was told that someone give you a hand but anyways-any headaches or feeling uncomfortable?"

He sounds like my mom, I really need to leave.

But wait.

"You said someone?"i asked.

"Yeah-a stranger" he looked up from the papers.

"The stranger in the rain?" I asked again.

"Sorry but I have no further information about this stranger but I do want to question you" he looked back the papers.

Oh wait-my hinkey marks from Sukuna. Did they saw it?

"You seem fine and healthy-blood is fine but it's odd that you would faint, I did brain X-rays... and it's stable"

"Yeah.. I really should go" I flipped open the blanket,changing back my shirt and jacket.

"I can't seem to figure it out something" the doctor said in a weird tone.

"About what?" I grabbed my bag and luggage that was left at the corner.

"Your 15 years old am I right?"


"Normally teenagers like your age don't seem to be this healthy-I'm saying like.. you-

"-are more than healthy"he coughed.


[Sukuna POV]


Am I making the right choice to give him some of my powers? -he does seem to need it.

I walked down the street, don't really want to know the way back to Jujutsu High honestly.

I took a walk, I prefer like this. Not walking around in circles in my domian-i need some "real" big space.

It's been a while since I walk the earth, what so good about this world? I don't really know.

Thats why I want to destroy it-

But I don't want to rule the world without my puppy, without him my days will be darker-means I'll get bored.

I have no one by my side to get support, it's always my illusion and pride that keeps me going.

Don't even know love-which what they called having a long-term partner right?

All I know is fucking obviously. Sex really is the best but the feeling doesn't last long.

I walked down further and saw a small town, there's like humans walking around while talking.

I walked into the crowd and its really noisy-what's so fun about talking for hours?The funny thing is- they know the way to go while talking.

Should I even be here? Because it's getting louder, I can set these humans on fire anytime now.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬:☽︎Sukuna's Pet☾︎ [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now