Chap 20 Addiction

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[Toge POV]

I've never been sleeping well lately since I kept replaying Yuta's rejection.

Everyone is in a bad mood since Megumi and Nanami returned, both of them can't wake up at all.

Nobara said that Nanami and Megumi had the same condition, in a coma-but Nanami is in the worst one.

"Broken ribs and he lost too much blood, if he doesn't wake up soon-" Nobara said in a low voice.

Everyone said I'm a gifted sorcerer and I did nothing to help them, I should have known better.

I pat gently on Nobara's shoulder and gave her a soft hug.

"Sukuna is cruel and I hope he dies" Nobara said in a raging whisper.

"Tuna Tuna" I let go slowly.

It means "Everything will be alright". I hope she knows what I am saying.

She left the nursing room and waved goodbye, nobody is even in the mood to talk anymore.

I stared longer at Megumi that was laying on the bed with a breathing machine ventilator on his mouth. I stood from the outside room-placing my hand on the mirror.


Please wake up soon.

We miss you being around with us.


[Yuta POV]

"It was him, I know it" I yelled at Gojo.

Both of us were in Nanami's office. His sitting on the couch-mostly thinking something without telling me.

Sometimes I hate talking to him because he just seem not to listen at all. Such a man-child.

"Gojo, I know it's hard for you but everyone is afraid" I said softly while keeping down my anger.

"Keep away from Sukuna and out of the case, let us handle it...dismissed"
he said deeply and stood up, walking out the door.

"I will kill Sukuna!" I said while facing his back without hesitation.

He stood quietly and faced me slowly, letting out an unusual smile.

"You won't because you can't" he said softly while leaving the room.


[Sukuna POV]

"Ah... I miss touching him" I said while letting out a boring groan.

This place sucks and there's nothing but weird talisman hanging all around me, hanging from the ceiling and some were hanging on the walls.

Its dark and cold and it even smells like 500 year old toilet.

My hands were tied up to a steel chair and it's not comfortable at all, why can't just tie me up in a couch? My butt cheeks hurt-its like sitting on a wooden plank.

No matter how much I tried to break the thick chains but I just couldn't.

Damn it, I want to see my puppy.

I heard the door slowly opened and its the guy that almost died today but sadly not.

"I'm here to talk" he said while gripping on his sword.

"Oh you got a new one, did you cry for the broken one?" I chuckled.

"Did you try and hurt Nanami? Or try to hurt Megumi?-"

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬:☽︎Sukuna's Pet☾︎ [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now