Chap 6 The Devil's Pet

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[Sukuna POV]

Haven't seen him lately at the training ground, is he still alive? But why do I even care about him?

"Is Megumi sick or something?" Nobara stretch beside Itadori while warming up.

"Dunno-I want to check on him but I was afraid he won't like it" Itadori said, looking ahead at Megumi's dorm.

Just go check on him idiot, he hasn't been out from his dorm for 3 days-what do you think will happen to him?!

"Gojo is late again as always-I'll go grab some juice box, want some?"
Nobara smiled.

"Definitely, thanks!" he smiled back.

Good-that annoying chick is gone now, I can take over this idiot body to check on my puppy.


[Megumi POV]

How long have I been laying on this bed? Gosh my eyes feel hot and heavy and I can't even lift myself up.

I should text Itadori to rescue me or I'll be a dead meat anytime soon-this time I really need help.

My throat still feels dry everytime I swallow my saliva, is this fever? It can't be-I haven't had any fever since I was a kid so why now?

I heard something crawling from my window but dang it, I can't look back- is it an intruder?

"He-hel...p" I let out a dry whisper.

A sudden cold hands cup my cheeks from above, gray deadly eyes looking down at me with am evil grin.

"Ma-hito-" I groaned.

"Poor poor Megumi-senpai is having a hard time waking up~" he chuckled.

Mahito, a cursed spirit that had killed many people-even Itadori's friend, I won't forgive him-


"Now now-calm down or your going to hurt yourself-" he giggled.

Shit I couldn't move my fingers to summon my devil dogs, I looked on my side, seeing my phone laying there.

I need to make a distraction so I can call my friends to help-

"You seem afraid of us"

"Afraid? My boy even though I have lost a few battles with yall dosen't mean one day I wouldn't win"

Almost there-I can feel my phone screen, I'll just type something to anyone-i don't care who it is.

"You should be afraid- stop texting while I'm talking to you" he looked the other side.

Shit-he saw me.

He stood up and kick away my phone, putting his dirty foot on my chest, pressing it hard till I can hear my bone crack as I groaned.

I'm about to pass out again but this time my visions are getting more blurry-I can't breathe.

Dang it his really trying to kill me today,the flashback of my sleeping sister still haven't woke up yet, i can't die now-not like this.

"Idiot... sister, I shouldn't have become-"

Blood spilling out from my mouth as I stare at his excitement.

"You can wait for your sister up there-she will join you soon anyways" he laughed.

My eyes started to close- I finally let go and stop fighting, it's not called giving up, I'm just tired of being in this world where I push so hard to be alive.

"This is boring-" a deep voice from the door.

Light shine into the dark room as it was burst open wide.

Sukuna, standing there with a deadly look under his brows, the curse king aroma spreading through my dorm.
Mahito finally let go my my chest and I was able to breathe.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot your around sometimes" Mahito gave a friendly smile.

No words from Sukuna, his eyes were uninterested-gazing upon my weak body.

"I don't mind you joining the party, I'm just having fun" Mahito smiled.

"Get lost-" He finally spoke.

"Oh- well that's rude~"

It is indeed Sukuna can kill Mahito on the spot but I don't know why their not fighting each other even though their not friends.

"I'm not leaving again without a successful mission" Mahito gaze were rage all of the sudden.

"You can kill him- but not now" Sukuna let out a grin.

What in the f-

"I see-you two have some sort of discussion to make?or am I missing something?" Mahito look over me, feeling curious.

"It's none of your business-leave or I'll rip your head off" Sukuna groans,as in feeling annoyed.

"He does look yummy in anyone's opinion-see yaa~" Mahito blows a kiss to me and jumped out of the window.

I'm saved-but I still don't feel I'm safe around Sukuna.

I'm alone in the room with him.


[Sukuna POV]

Seriously-that Mahito dumbass still won't stop hunting the students and now his after my puppy,wanting to kill him.

If Megumi have to die, it would better be in my hands after I'm bored of him.

I walked over his dieing body, sitting down and stare at his exhausted puppy face.

"No~no~ don't die yet, I'm not done having fun with you-" I smiled.

"Curse all of you-" he let out a raging voice.

"Good puppy shush, sleep now" I pat his hair.

His eyes were deadly stare towards me right now but it dosen't bother me. The more I pat the more I realise something is pouring out from him.

"Why..." he let out a whimpering voice.

I was shock to see his rosy cheeks with tears pouring out from his eyes.
Finally! this is want I want to see!

"Awh so cute, my puppy is crying" I continue patting him.

"Stop.. What are you-" his eyes starts closing ,tears dripping down his cheeks.

His asleep-I actually did gave abit of my healing power while patting him. He really does have a high fever and still manage to stay alive for 3 days without food or water.

I actually have no intention helping a lifeless human before, but this-his my favourite puppy.

There's always a voice inside of me keeps hunting my mind all over again.

I really do need him.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬:☽︎Sukuna's Pet☾︎ [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now