Chap 9 The Puppy's Stalker

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[Megumi POV]

I slapped him, like how I did to Sukuna before.

How could he do this to me? Now the friendship dosen't even exist anymore or it dosen't even meant to be fixed.

His speechless, looking me with his dead eyes.

"Get out" I said deeply.


"I said get out!" I yelled, looking him straight in the eyes.

I can sence his eyes twitching in pain, trying to hold back the tears.But who cares? This is sexual assault.

Then next thing he do is run out the door, like a stomping elephant. The room is once again peace and quiet.

Loneliness approaches me.

I'm being touched.

I'm being raped.

I'm being forced.

I couldn't help myself but to pack my bags and luggage, taking my photo of my sister and I when we were little.

I'm leaving, that's it.

I can't abandoned my job and I'll return until I find my peace for a while. I wore my black jacket and walked out of the door.

I never leave this place before, it's actually a home to me.

But I can't put this much burden in myself, I need to find a way to train myself to be stronger.

Gojo might help me but what he says it's true. "I can't help you if you can't help yourself"

I will miss the time being with Itadori and Nobara, I'll just tell them I'm going away for a trip.

I took a taxi nearby bus stop and took off to my old house, I haven't been there for years, maybe its sold to somebody already?

It didn't take long before it started raining, it's cold. But it felt more colder when I'm alone in the car.

I look out the window, putting on my earphones, listening to some lofi music. (I definitely recommend it, it calms your mind)

Not for long the Taxi driver breaks down, he yells and pulled over the car beside the road.

"What's wrong?" I check in the driver.

He hit his head but his alright.

"Someone is standing in the middle of the road" he cried.

As a sorcerer, what will you do? Of course asking the man sit back and relax while you handle this.

"Stay in here and lock your door" I told him.

Which he did but his watching over me in the car.

If it's Mahito then I'm screwed.

"Don't get yourself killed, that's all I'm asking"

Shut up Sukuna in my head. Why bother telling me anyways.

I get off the car and it's way colder than I expected, the heavy raindrops hitting on me.

Damn that house better still have the bathtub for a warm bath because I sure need it.

The road is blurry, the thunder strikes its light behind the standing figure. I walked towards that figure that never moves.

But I'm doing it slowly.


[Sukuna POV]

Found him.

My little wet dripping puppy in the rain, walking towards me. He seems like having a hard time seeing who I am.

What should I say if he does find out it was me in the rain?

Mocking him? Compliment him? Or just kidnap?

I can't seem to make a proper decision after he told me to leave, after how I take advantage of him, after what I did to him.

He hates me.

But his mine.

And mine only.

It will be a pain in the ass if he keeps giving me that "Not interested" look at me or "Fuck you" face. I rather want my puppy to be craving for me, praising me.

I did mention to myself that I would give him some space but end up looking for him.

Now I'm craving for him.

Everything about him makes me addicted.

Before he could take another step, he lands on the wet ground-not getting up at all, just facing down.

My body immediately ran towards his weak, trembling body, carrying him up and walk towards the Taxi driver.

"Take him to the hospital"i told the driver calmly.

I healed him again, laying him behind the car sit, giving my power. The driver seem worried but I told him that my little puppy is just tired.

No worries-I used his name" Megumi" when I told the driver.

I don't know why I'm being nice all of the sudden, seeing him alive like a suffering puppy, makes me wanted to see how his world will truly end.

"Your not coming?" the driver asked.

I looked over my little puppy's peaceful body and touched his cheek.


And I kissed the prince's forehead.

[Megumi POV]

Seriously did I passed out again?

I'm in a dream, it was all dark. But I don't feel my body hurting anymore.

I don't know if I should wake up anymore, everyone will be questioning my trauma-or where have I been-or even what am I hiding?

I'm a used up-slut.

Yeah I said it.

In my dream I wasn't alone, Sukuna was Infront of me, his muscular back facing me.

Oh yeah I seen him shirtless before. We were floating but I didn't call out to him because I know its just a dream.

What a nightmare.

He didn't turn around or approaching me at all but I can tell his head we're tilt down.

I wonder where he really did came from-like does he have a life? Or was he a human once at all?

There were black tattoos straight down on his back shoulders, all the way down to his waist-thank god his wearing pants.

Why am I even dreaming about him?

We been floating for a while now and I can't help but to approach him. I pushed myself swimming towards him.

And he turned towards me.

His hand was reaching out.

But his being pulled by something, I stopped.

I was shock to see his face were frightened, needing my help. I swim towards him fast, trying to grab his hand.

The black hole that is behind him, sucking him rapidly.

I grabbed tightly his big hand, trying to pull him out with all my strength.

Why am I saving him?

Because he looks guilty.

But he let go of my grip, smiling while being sucked in by the black hole.

The black hole is gone, the dream gets more quiet.

Sukuna is dead infront of my eyes, disappeared into nowhere. Aren't I suppose to be happy that it's showing me that his gone?


I want him to apologise to me, I want to punch him-not gone like this.

But what the hell was that all about?

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬:☽︎Sukuna's Pet☾︎ [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now