Chp 45 Alive

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[Yuji POV]

Something felt empty inside of me when I was finally conscious back in my own body again.

Everyone was in tears and they hugged me, crying in happiness.

But not Megumi.

He sat on a single couch, staring at me at the living room when everyone is chatting.

That death expression of his, was telling himself whether should he be happy that Im back, or yern for Sukuna's death.

I can feel myself getting my thoughts together again, it was quite.

After dinner with celebration is over, everyone went back their dorms.

I couldn't help myself notice that Megumi was the only one hasn't feel better yet, so I knocked on his door.

The door swing open slowly from the inside. Megumi's tired stare lifted with a surprise.

"Yu-ji?...."he mumbled.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" I smiled at him warmly.

"I...guess so"he said.

Both of us sat down on the edge of his bed while his head was titled down, his fingers pressing against his trousers,gripping it tightly.

"About what happened...I'm sorry" I mumbled.

"It wasn't your fault, he chose you to live" Megumi mumbled.

"I hope you feel better soon, You know...Sukuna...died happy, because of you, he never felt fear" I said.

"His...just an idiot"

"He knew if he did this, nobody will pick a fight anymore, his death is a way to show the Elders that even a man like him is worthy of your love Megumi" I smiled at him.

"But I...miss him so much, its only been 2 days" he whimpered.

I gave him a hug by his shoulder, slowly reach his shoulders into my arms, hugging it tightly as much as he needs.

"You can cry for him....but never always" I mumbled while patting his shoulders deeply.

"I just feel like... I can't be myself without him"

"I bet Sukuna will say the same thing too" I chuckled.

"Honestly I'm glad your back Yuji, I'm sorry I wasn't saying anything" he mumbled while hugging me back.

"It's alright.....Sukuna's death is a huge impact to everyone, his a hero"

[Geto POV]

I woke up with a headache.

Feeling myself struggling on someone else's bed.

I turned to my face back, staring at Gojo's peaceful sleeping face with his hand wrapping around my waist.


I tried to slowly holding on his grip away from my waist, sneaking my my way out to the edge of the bed.

"In a hurry?"

I jumped,slowly sat up from the edge with my coat on my shoulder, tangling down a little.

Gojo slowly moved himself from behind me, wrapping his hands around my waist once again, snuggling his lips against my bare shoulder.

"I....uh...I was drunk, I shouldn't be here" I mumbled nervously while facing him alittle.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬:☽︎Sukuna's Pet☾︎ [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now