Chp 24 Important Recall

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[Megumi POV]

It's still a weird thing to be asked out by a guy. Noritoshi seems really happy around me besides being with anybody else.

"Let's get ramen noodles, I do know one shop you always like to go to" Noritoshi said with a smile.

"How do you know that I always go there?" I asked while walking beside him.

"Well...we're more than friends"

Feels like a lie.

"I see,yeah let's try it out" I gave a fake smile.

"Great" he smiled wider.

He seems like a great guy but when his around me, pretty much his trying to get closer and it makes me feel uncomfortable.

"Sir two ramen noodles please" he called out to the chef after we get in the crowded shop.

It smells really good just by standing at the entrance, I followed him to the end of the seat and we sat down.

Basically I wasn't suppose to agree on going out with him but he seems begging me to it and I can't help it.

We are sitting face to face and I wasn't even looking at him-his stare is just overwhelming. He never blink at all.

"So-how do we met?" I asked while playing with my fingers.

"Not long, we met through an event, we were both separate teams and the funny thing is we fought each other, it's for our competition, not intentionally killing each other" he chuckled nervously.

"Aha- I see, so I was wondering if you know anyone that has red eyes?"

His smiling expression fades, looking at me in a shocking way.

"Is it-important to you?" he asked.

Whats with his tone? I can feel like his going to attack me from here.

"I mean-its one of my memories that I could remember" I said softly while looking away.

"It's basically one of your family members "he smiled.

Doesn't sound like it.

"What else do you remember?" he asked.

"Big arms with tattoos, their warm" I said.

Wait-am I remembering something?

There's a sound of splash from the back kitchen, someone dropped a bucket of water or something.

Suddenly my head hurts, I squeezed my head tightly until I let out an insane yell.

"Megumi!!"Noritoshi yelled as he get off his seat, putting his arms around me.

It hurts so bad and I can feel my brain is about to explode.

Water splash...the rain?

I remember there's a day where the rain was pouring heavily. Someone hold me so tight and then those eyes-

Those eyes were gentle,they weren't scary.

And i fell deeply into his soul.

Wait-his?who is he?

My headache suddenly stopped and I looked up at Noritoshi's fearful eyes. Everyone is staring at me in- worrying,even the chef too.

"I remember-" I said softly while trembling.

"Megumi, what's wrong? I'm taking you to the back home now if it still hurts" he said while sitting next to me.

"I remember someone that I told myself once-I would not forget about him"

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬:☽︎Sukuna's Pet☾︎ [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now