Chp 37 The Traitor's Son

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[Toge POV]

I can't see Yuta or Noritoshi while running ahead with my family but the explosion is still loud.

"Wait it's a trap!"someone yelled ahead of us.

We stopped after reaching to the underground, there was a big hole in the ceiling with smoke covering the air.

The ceiling pieces kept falling around and we tried to dodge it as much as we can, I can see myself serounded in a dungeon but the fog is so strong that it make my vision blurry.

I can see everyone coughing nonstop but Sukuna wasn't intrigued while holding Megumi's hand.

Nobara took out her hammer and start aiming her nails like a bullet against the heavy rocks into pieces that almost fell upon us.

"This place is about to crumble!" Panda yelled from the back.

But I kept moving forward, I can't see Yuta, I have to make sure his alright.

"Toge! It's dangerous! We don't know what's ahead!" Noritoshi voice echoed ahead of me.

I must be close, he can see me!

I saw his back figure standing ahead of me with a sharp blade poking out from it, blood splattered against my face as I catch him into my arms.

Fear covered within my eyes with an unusual pain corrupting deep within my heart.

Beyond from us is the man I love, holding tight onto his bloody sword with the biggest and most terrifying creature behind of him.

It was pale-skin with veins attached onto Yuta's back, it doesn't have any eyes but its Jaws and claws were deadly sharp.

His eyes were cold and dark, that doesn't seem like someone I recognised anymore, like a ghost has been taking control of his soul.

"Run..."Noritoshi cried while trying to lift up his wounded body on my lap.

"Believe me I don't have a choice" Yuta said deeply while lifting his sword.

I can tell his forcing himself not to hurt us but the creature behind him told him to with the most ugly old lady voice I ever heard.

He lifted down his sword and stared at me one last time and took a step back into the thick fog.

I lay Noritoshi down gently and pressed his wound with both of my hands to stop the bleeding.

"That bastard..."Noritoshi coughed out blood.

What is happening? Did I just witness my boyfriend betraying us?The fact that he stabbed his own family?

Was it because of that creature?

Panda came running towards us and held up Noritoshi onto his arms and tell at me to come along.

I turned myself further just to find where did Megumi and the rest disappeared to.

I turned my eyes towards Panda to let him know that Noritoshi really needs medication right now so he didn't have a choice but to leave my selfish butt and take him to the nursing room.

I gripped on my both fist and walked straight towards the dungeon while the fog slowly fades away.

That's when I saw Nanami laying on the floor covering with wounds while Megumi was trying to help him.

Sukuna wasn't doing anything but only staring across someone that I wasn't expected to see.

"Tick-Tock times up pretty boy, we have to leave" Mahito groaned while limping towards Yuta.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬:☽︎Sukuna's Pet☾︎ [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now