Chp 41 Midnight Hunters

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[Megumi POV]

I thought I just walked right into a trap.

But it doesn't seem like Yuta was trying to attack me, Noritoshi pats me on the shoulder and nobs gently at Yuta.

We all walked up the stairs, taking a quick peek making sure there wasn't anyone else following us downstairs.

"I should have done this sooner" Yuta mumbled in a whisper at Noritoshi.

"This is why I never like you" Noritoshi whispered back in a hiss.

"Done what? What is going on?Yuta your a murdere-" I groaned at them loudly.

Yuta placed his palm quickly on on my lips, glaring into my eyes while staring up the stair where footsteps walked by.

"I'm sorry" Yuta said quickly.

"Well too late genius-the Elders want your head, you think you can run away from that? You think Gojo or Nanami is stronger than them?" I groaned in a mad tone.

"Megumi please, hear him out" Noritoshi said while walking towards me.

"Dont-! Touch me, two of you-both of you did horrible things, you both thought your mistakes can heal in time?" I groaned while pointing at Noritoshi and Yuta.

"Then what can I do to fix this?" Yuta said while letting his arms spread.

"Honestly I don't know, what I know is, once you did that, everyone is going to look at you differently" I said in a whimper.

Two of my closest friends betrayed this beautiful family, I never cared about what mission we did, even how brutal we learn while growing up.

I love this family like how I loved Sukuna.

"I can't help anymore, my idiot father and Nanami is now in trouble facing trials with the elders and they barely show much in class now, even Toge never stop crying every single night without eating properly since you left Yuta, and my beloved-Sukuna..."

"I'm in love with you my Puppy, and that's-my curse"

"-And I'm happy with it"

I tried to hold back my tears and walked pass them towards up the stairs, possibly going to call someone to arrest Yuta in order to save Sukuna.

Will I be that cruel to exchange?

"Take me in then" Yuta called out.

"Do it yourself, what's even better is you never done any of this since from the beginning" I turned my gaze in a rage stare at Yuta.

"I love my father-as much as you love yours, and I can't deny helping my own family" Yuta shouts back.

"Geto left you, how about us? How about the promise you gave to Toge?Gojo and Nanami gave you a home, A FAMILY"

That's when Noritoshi pats on Yuta shoulder,telling him to calm down.

"That's not a point here, the plan worked" Noritoshi said with hope in his eyes.

"What plan?" I asked while slwoling walking back to down the stair towards them.

"Sukuna's plan worked, he really saved us all, it's all on him and them now" Noritoshi said.

"Wait-them?" I confused.


[The secret night before Death day]

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