Chap 28 The Unknown Past

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4 Hours Ealier......

[Nanami POV]

I can't find Gojo anywhere and it makes me panic even more.

I can't call the cops but only my own helpers from Jujutsu High.

I can't even sound and act normal anymore.

"I said do it! Search everywhere! Every place!I must-have-him with me tonight!" I yelled on the phone.

"Sir please, he can't be far calm down" one of my boys said softly on the phone.

"I-I'm sorry I just...please, if anything happens to him I just-" I said softly while gripping on my hair, driving furiously down the dark road.

The phone got on hold, someone else just called me.

"I'll call you back, thank you" I said softly while pressing my phone screen that was hanging in my car.

I shouldn't be acting this way. Gojo isn't someone I should worried about, his the strongest- the smartest.

But I'm worried about one thing about him, his the most naive.

I quickly switched my phone screen to the next incoming call, its from a random number.

I answered without hesitation.

"Is this Gojo's boyfriend?" a deep voice said softly.

"Who is this?" I asked while trying to track down this unknown number.

"Just someone he rather not have in his life, no worries if your looking for him, his with me"

I parked my car furiously beside one corner perfectly while pulling up my brake.

"I can tell your mad at me but don't worry, I would never touch someone else's lover" he said softly.

His someone nearby, just by staring at my GPS tracker.

"I'll send you the address and do join me a cup of beer, let's get to know each other" he said.

His in a hotel with him and it makes my blood boil.

"I'll decide" I said deeply while hanging up.

Gojo better be alright, whoever has just talked in the phone with me.

I don't like his voice.

not even one bit.


[Geto POV]

"Well that's rude" I said while switching off my phone, placing it on top of the drawer.

I stared over at Gojo sleeping peacefully on the white sheets.

He still looks pretty.

And he better not show up Infront of me ever again.

But still, I need some answers.

I slowly crawled beside him on the bed, laying back down on his right.

" you still hate me?" I whispered softly.

"Mhmm-" he whimpered while sleeping, his body facing to the other side.

If I never met him at all, would he be happier? Less painful?

Or if I don't exist in this world, would his life change into a better one?

What am I to him? Definitely not a lover anymore but does he treat me as an enemy?

"My heart will never rest easy if you aren't happy with me" I said softly.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬:☽︎Sukuna's Pet☾︎ [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now