Chp 43 Court Of Death

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[Present day.....]

[Nanami POV]

I have never been so nervous before.

The fact that this court will not be as easy to get out, its not ordinary.

Even if I did this hundred of times, but this time....its not going to be easy to defend Sukuna, Yuta and Yuji.

I have to save all of them in one day.

Two high ranked jujutsu slayers opens the big door for me and Sukuna to enter the hall of court.

The aroma in there was rather cold, with many Elders serounded their seats, gazing upon Sukuna's presence in chains.

I held on Sukuna's Shoulder, patting him to behave, and let him kneel on his knees on the white floor in middle of the trail serounded by the hatred of the Elders.

"Don't do anything foolish if you wanted to see Megumi again, do it for him" I whispered beside Sukuna while chaining him against the ground.

He stared at me with a serious expression and nobs slowly, avoiding the all of the Elders eyes.

"May luck be with you" I whispered in his ear one last time before leaving him kneeling and chained down with heavy chains.

I couldn't say 'god' because I don't even think that God would help a dangerous man like him.

I walked around and looked at every Elders disgusted eyes at Sukuna and some are mumbling to each other.

I walked around, closer enough for them to hear me in the white circle, holding on papers that might help to finish this trial sooner without getting anyone hurt.

"My fathers, my Elders, I, Nanami Kento will begin the trial for Ryomen Sukuna, Yuta Okotsu and Itadori Yuji, may I have your word?" I raised my voice in a soft manner.

All hesitate to even care to answer, until one raised their hand for a short while as a signal to proceed.

How rude.

"As you all know....we are people that protects this world from evil but as a teacher to my children, I will protect them with all my might-" I mumbled while looking at all of them.

"I heard over the rumours that Gojo has been slacking off alot" one Elder cried out.

Why did they change the subject?

"Do forgive his behaviours and his actions my father-but I can assure you nothing bad will happen again" I mumbled softly.

The elder that spoke rolled his eyes, folding his arms while trying to judge anything, but nothing came out.

"Any objections? Questions?we all do wish to end this matter quickly for the sake of time,time is precious" I said while smiling alittle to all Elders.

"Proceed" mumbled an old lady in the group.

"As I say, we shouldn't put the end of any lifes, Ryomen Sukuna was not guilty" I said.

All shocked in an anger way, some even pointed fingers at me and slammed their desk like mad people.

Sukuna titled up his head from the floor, staring at me in a suprising way.

"How dare you defend this horrible monster! His a wild mad man!!unbelievable!! Outrageous!!" groaned one elder while standing up, pointing at me.

"People can change, its the matter of the time we punished him and teach him the ways of the good people" I mumbled with a calm tone.

This is bad.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬:☽︎Sukuna's Pet☾︎ [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now