Chapter 33 Sweet Liar

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[Gojo POV]

I have no choice but to come back again, it's not that I wanted to but its for the sake of my love ones.

I told Nanami to dropped me here, I might have the solution to all tonight.

Geto and Mahito must be related somehow.

I stared towards the cheering crowds, they all seemed to be a big fan to Geto. Not to mention his the manager but also a song writer plus a singer?

Guess I didn't know him well even if we known each other for years.

It's too late to feel bad about it.

He saw me and I didn't hesitate to smile. I wonder if his comfortable around me after that horrible night I did to his karaoke room.

I even hurt one of his workers.

Guess I'll be apologising later, it sucks.

"This is a song that I desperately want someone to hear it back in the old days" Geto said into the microphone deeply.

I gaze over his figure from the crowd, both of us lock our eyes in guilt, not to mention its triggering me a lot just by looking at me with his pitiful eyes.

"But whoever has a harsh breakup out there, all I want to let you know that everything will be alright, remember to love yourself and let it go" he continued.

The crowd silence after he picked up a guitar, it's a rock style, dark blue with white on it.

He plays instruments? I feel like such a failure right now but I'm happy for him.

He has a home, his own people and his happiness back again.

But where was mine?

"I named this song 'Goodbye Sakura Days' it's based on a famous park in Tokyo but also that one precious memory of mine that I will never forget" he smiled around the crowd.

Then he moved his fingers over the guitar gently, the melody of bitter sweet roams around the room.

"Goodbye Sakura days I'll show you how many times I have lost in your eyes~"

The spotlight shines above him, his eyes were closed with his sad angelic voice being sung.

"The reason why I'm in love with the world because your around~"

Then the back drummer starts playing it gently behind him, I didn't even realised there were backup until the spotlight shines of them. There's even a guy playing the small piano on the right.

"Even in the rain, your smile is what I never forget~"

I see what this is, it's our memory being together, in love.

Must be fate being here, I get to hear everything he needs to say to me.

Back in the days, we never talked much about relationship, always felt something is missing.

This song is the answer.

"Even in a distance, two people are still secretly singing~"

Then the drums gets louder with the melody while he raised his voice with a perfect pitch.

"All I want you to know when the darkness take me away, its ok if the only bad guy is me~"

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬:☽︎Sukuna's Pet☾︎ [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now