Chp 35 Lovers

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[Sukuna POV]

I really didn't want this to happen but I should step up, I might end up in toilet dungeon again but who cares?

Both me and my puppy were called into the office with Nanami, after dealing with that depressed Noritoshi, the whole house wasn't that dramatic anymore.

My puppy is truly talented.

"I'm not reminding this again-" Nanami groaned while sitting down on his desk.

"Wait-I have something to say!" my puppy called out.

"That's enough!"

Nanami yelled Infront of us, for the very first time I ever heard it. It's upsetting my puppy even though his sensitive.

I didn't flinch but I can tell my puppy did.

"Oi you don't have to such a scumbag" I groaned at Nanami.

"I'm locking you up for good, this is a family matter, its none of your business" Nanami said deeply.

"Megumi isn't blood related to any of you isn't it?not even Gojo" I said calmly.

He was surprised and I noticed even my puppy is staring at me. So I guess it's true at the same time it's too obvious.

"As I said-its none of your-"

"None of you have faith in him" I cut off his words.

"Sukuna stop it already" My puppy whimpered.

"None of your believe in him, family? Don't make me laugh" I groaned.

"What are you suggesting?" Nanami asked.

"Call yourself as an adult? You humans don't even know how to trust at all, I can smell your stubbornness, it's very annoying old man"

"Get-out, I'll deal with you first" Nanami groaned at my puppy.

"Sukuna, stop making him mad" My puppy suggested.

"Say, isn't it odd that Gojo isn't spending much time with Megumi? And his pushing all the work to you old man?" I smirked.

He went silent,staring across the desk without blinking his cold eyes at me, tapping his fingers against the desk softly.

"Megumi you can go now" he sighed.

"What? But-" my puppy whimpered.

"I'm not mad at you I'm just worried, go to bed" Nanami said while rubbing his forehead with frustration.

My puppy turned his back towards the door, before he could open the door fully, he stared at me with his worrying eyes and left with the door shut.

He couldn't see my smile but I bet he knows I'll be alright.

"Gojo isn't someone that abandoned his own students out in the blue, he tend to acknowledge that the fact they should know how to defend themselves and become a better sorcerer" he said calmly.

"Beats me, I don't like that guy at all" I rolled my eyes while landing myself on the couch.

"How did you find out?" he asked.

"I'm in your student's body, I get to see everything" I said while pointing my side head.

I can hear Itadori's frustration groan all of the sudden.

"Not that, Megumi's identity" Nanami said.

"It's too obvious, something doesn't feel right about the other adults being around him, he tend to reach out but they see something in him, like horror" I said while folding arms.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬:☽︎Sukuna's Pet☾︎ [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now