Chap 27 Sweet Music

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[Sukuna POV]

We managed to get the last bus ride back to Jujutsu High.Its still awkward between me and Megumi on our way back.

Well we're sitting side by side in the middle, it's not because I wanted to, I just need to make sure no one will harm him this time.

I'm getting more frustrated that he isn't looking at me but only staring at the window side since we got in.

Is he mad at me?

Of course he should be.

I touched him without permission and I forced him alot.

He should hate me.

I reached out to his shoulder, barely almost touching him to look at me.

But I held back.

What for? What for if he would listen to my nonsense?Like he said I'm a pervert and a psychopath.

He won't ever like me, like never.

What is this?this feeling it's bothering me so much,its like for the first time I ever felt this way for a human.

But what's the matter to him? One minute he wants me to leave and another minute he wants me to stay?

I guess we are confused towards each other because we never once spoke normally.

I should bring up something, this could be my last night seeing him.

"What is that string thingy on your ears?" I asked deeply.

It bothers me that his having his phone out with white strings plucking againts his earlobes.

He turned to me, still in a grumpy puppy face.

"It's music" he said softly while taking one out from his left ear.

"Like one of your red docky-mapy thingy that you used when we got lost in the woods?"

He seemed suprise at first but then he held back his laugh.

I said something stupid again?

"The way you describe is unbelievably funny" he let out a small smile.

I turned aside, hiding my blush.

"You should give it a try, it's called an earphone, it transfers melody into your ears" he said softly while handing me one side of his earphones.

I took it gently with my claws, putting it on my ear like how my puppy did.

I wondered what he listens to? I kept reminding myself he used it alot during break time back in Jujutsu High.

It makes me wonder isn't it bored to gaze upon nothing when his listening to something?

Then the music starts.

And I swear it felt like magic to my ears.

"I see the crystal raindrops fall and the beauty of it all,
Is when the sun comes shining through~"

It's in english and I barely know the words but Megumi translated it to me in each lines.

My puppy's lips moving softly as the melody sang in my ear with the voice of a sentimental man.

"To make those rainbows in my mind
when I think of you sometime,
And I wanna spend some time with you~"

I stared at my puppy's eyes and he finally looked back at mine.

The music is somehow working, making like a universe covering the reality but with only just two of us.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬:☽︎Sukuna's Pet☾︎ [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now