Chp 26 Sacrifice

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[Toge POV]

"What do we have here?" Mahito smirked while hanging up his cell phone.

Who did he spoke to? Another Villian?
How many are they?

Damn it, I can't move. After Yuta and I entered this room, we got ambused by Mahito.

I hate to say this but Mahito is quite strong and smart when it comes to hiding, his movements are deadly quiet.

My body is currently facing down on the floor and my legs are crushed by him.

I wished I was fast enough.

But that doesn't matter right now, his about to kill Yuta!

"Kelp!" I yelled at him.

"Ho? Your quite a hottie, such a waste if I just kill you here" he said while grabbing on Yuta's neck, lifting him up with just one grip.

"" Yuta grabbed on his wrist trying to break free while being choked.

"Who are you? How do you know this place?" he asked with a serious tone, his deadly eyes staring at Yuta.

I can't make a noice, he will definitely kill us if he finds out who we are. Besides, he still thinks I'm a girl and Yuta is a random doctor.

"Put me...down first,I will...t-talk"

No! what is he doing?! Don't expose!

"How can I trust you doc?" he gripped tighter.

"I beg...of you..."

Mahito then let him go, throwing him into the floor while Yuta yelled in pain.

I crawled to him,reaching to his hand and held on it tightly.

Don't die! Let's fight together!

"I feel bad~you two must have a thing" Mahito kneeled down while staring at us with a creepy smile.

"I'm a doctor and she's my girlfriend, she's innocent" Yuta said with a dry voice while rubbing his throat.

"Girlfriend?you have a good eye, she's cute~" he chuckled.

What is happening? Mahito is being nice and is making my lungs burning in fear.

I have to kill him but I need to find a way.

Where is Nanami and Gojo when we need them?!

"It's been a while since someone visited me, ah-how about we have some fun? A party?" Mahito said while clapping.

His a man-child, there might be a chance.

"You haven't answer my question yet pretty boy~" he said while walking towards the kitchen,leaving us behind.

"Toge-don't do anything yet" Yuta whispered to me.

Why? We will get killed!

"Blend in because our lives depend on it-he isn't someone that we can take down easily, don't make a sound or your ability, I need to get some information from him" he continued.

I shook my head angrily.

"Sorry for dragging you here" he smiled while blood dripping down from his forehead.

Idiot! Such an idiot! I'm about to cry but I held back, it might ruin the makeup.

"I love you Toge" he whispered one last time.


"Oh I just realised I ran out with champagne, how about-"

Before Mahito could say the rest, Yuta stood up while hugging his sword bag, his bloody hand reaching in and pulled out his kanata sword.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬:☽︎Sukuna's Pet☾︎ [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now