I am James Bucky Barnes...

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(I started writing this after I watched episode two of FATWS, so there's no real spoilers for anything after that point for that series. Since I started writing this, I have finished the series and seen BLACK WIDOW so there many be minor spoilers from that movie.)


The rage this punk and his jacked up sidekick caused him was unfathomable.

The tension his jaw had from grinding his teeth every time he saw his smug grin or grating voice was becoming painful, but not enough for him to stop the involuntary reaction. It meant he didn't ram his fist (metal or otherwise, it didn't really matter) into his perfect teeth that were bared at him again this time in warning sneer.

Now he was trying to convince them that they needed each other. Like He and Sam were just pawns to be played around with and add onto whatever comedic duo thought they could save the world next.

Sure, you little punk, he thought to himself.  You play Batman, your friend can be Robin, and Sam and I will take turned being the butler that helps you wipe your ass-

"C'mon man." Sam said to him, patting his back roughly as they stepped away from Walker and whoever the fuck his sidekick was. Bucky couldn't remember his name, nor did he care. His mind was focused elsewhere as he pulled his disgruntled glare away from them.

They didn't need them. He didn't need anyone.

He strode alongside Sam as they moved away from the police cars that littered the road, and around the corner into the darker and emptier streets of the city.  There was a plan to be formed, and they wasted no time in discussing what needed to be achieved, and arguing about it all the same.

"So you're just gonna go sit in a room with this guy?" Sam asked him, staring at him.

"I...yes.." Bucky grumbled, having to take a minute to convince himself that it really was what he was thinking. It sounded absurd when Sam said it out loud, and he was already trying to consider another way to do this. One that didn't involve potentially jeopardising everything he'd worked towards.

Sam tried to do that too, figuring there must be another way, a better option that was perhaps safer. But there wasn't. Life wasn't all sunshine and roses, sometimes to be good, you had to be bad.

And this plan could be really fucking bad.

"Alright then." Sam sighed, pausing in the street so Bucky stopped too, turning his stance to face him. "We're gonna go see Zemo."

They split off separate ways not long after that, Bucky pushing his hands deeper into his pockets as he strode with a purpose along the dark streets back towards his small apartment. He'd pack a bag, meet Sam at the airport and get on the first plane out to-

Then he heard it, the grunt as someone was shoved roughly against a wall or to the ground, his super soldier hearing couldn't decipher between the two. He turned his head at the distraction, knowing from the direction it came from that it was likely Sam that was the target, having seen no one else when they parted ways.

For a split second he carried on walking in the same direction without any concern for Sam's well-being. He could take care of himself, it wasn't his job to babysit him. Hey, A beating might even humble him a little. At least, that was his first thought before he sighed and stopped where he was as the little voice in his head, known as his conscience whom he had only recently been reacquainted with, kicked in.

"Dammit," he huffed as he turned the other way and began running off towards the sound of the noise.

He found Sam pinned against a wall just beyond the entrance to an alleyway, hands up in surrender for a moment as he tried to speak but snatched onto his attackers wrists when their fists violently pulled at his collar then slammed him back sharply against the wall again. They were all in black, hooded and clearly pissed off, especially since they were now fighting the restraint his hands had on them.

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