Still not bothered

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(A part two or 'Bothered')

He dived into the car, slamming the door shut behind him as he kept his head ducked low to avoid the bullets all aiming in his direction. He needn't have bothered though, as instead of a shower of smashed glass from the bullets hitting the window, he heard the faint ping as each hit the bulletproof exterior of the car. He could only just make them out over the revs of the engine as the driver pushed their foot to the floor, driving them away to safely at lightening speed.

The brakes screeches as the car sharply turned a corner, and then another before Bucky even had the time to lift his head and get into his seat properly. When he did, he snapped his belt into place and his eyes widened slightly at the partner he had been sent.

"I thought you were meant to be a professional?" Natasha mused, eyes straight ahead on the road and she continued expertly navigating them away from the warehouse he'd ended up in, surrounded and outnumbered.

"Can't always be on top of everything, can we?" He huffed, turning to look out the window.

"Speak for yourself, damsel in distress has never been a card I've had to play." She murmured, smirking as she ignored a red signal and tore past traffic. She gave a side glance at him, lowering her tone. "You don't have to look too disappointed, this wasn't my choice."

"I figured. Is that why you're trying to kill me?" He griped the sides of his chair as she sped up out of the town onto some dark country roads.

"Would you rather walk?" She commented dryly.

He ignored her, narrowing his eyes to watch the road ahead. "Why are you here?"

"You're the one who asked for an escape route.Fury sent me-"

"And you just happened to be in Norway?" He interrupted. "How did you get here so fast."

She pursed her lip with a shrug. "My mission was just over the boarder."

"Bullshit, Natasha." He grumbled, her eyebrows raising at his temper. "Which one of your pretty boys sent you to watch me?"

She paused, deliberating whether to ignore his jibe or not before she answered. "Steve just wants to make sure you are alright on solo excursions."

"I fucking knew it." He growled, his metal hand contracting to a fist by his side.

"Relax, it's just a precaution. Don't get so uptight about it."

"That I get sent glorified baby sitters?" He scoffed and she shrugged.

"It's part of gaining Fury's trust. Let him micromanage you for a bit then he'll set your free. Steve will too. Don't get so pissed about it."

"Somehow I don't think my intervention into the team will be quite as easy as yours was." He rolled his eyes, bitterness laced in his tone.

"You really need to control your emotions, Barnes. " She raised a brow in irritation at him.

"Apparently you haven't controlled yours." He spat bitterly. "Especially the lust part."

Her face darkened, illuminated only by the panels inside the car as he continued. "I'm failing to understand when the fuck you began to think know me. "

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