AU - Risk V

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She had forgotten how much better she always slept in his bed compared to her own, how it naturally reset her body clock so that she always struggled to wake up at her usual time. When she finally peeled her eyes open, it was already 9:30am and she sighed softly.

She'd missed class. Well, the first one anyway. No point in going to the rest now. She checked her phone reading a message from Wanda asking where she was. She text her back, knowing she'd cover for her in lectures, if the professor even noticed she wasn't there. -I'll explain later x- she sent back and threw back the covers as she got out of bed.

Natasha was already wearing his old T-shirt, the one with the faded logo and barely reached her mid thigh. She figured he'd left her in bed, gone to work leaving her to rest like he sometimes did at weekends if he went out a run or to grab breakfast. Stretching out her back she opened the bedroom door and headed to the kitchen in search of food, only to find him cooking eggs on the stove as he hummed to the morning radio. She raised her eyebrows in surprise as he turned and smiled at her. "Good morning,"

"Morning..." she smiled slightly, "Do you know it's a Monday?"

"Mmhmm. The most popular day for sick days in the workplace. Since I'm never off, I figured I deserve to take advantage of that." He grinned winking at her, making her shake her head.

"I'm definitely a bad influence on you." She smirked wrapping her arms around him from behind and resting against his back. "Am I on a sick day too?"

"You can go to class if you really want..." he switched the stove off, placing the eggs over toast he'd already made before turning to her. "Or you can stay here for breakfast, get out of this apartment, take a day out of the city with me." He rubbed her arms lightly as she smiled up at him. "Might as well be selfish about it."

"Well since you've got it all planned out," she raised a brow. "It would be rude not too."


They ate together and got ready for the day, thankful she had put a fresh change of clothes in her bag "just incase". She was glad she knew herself well enough to be organised.

It was a crisp day, a faint spring breeze to keep them cool while the sun shone brightly in the clear sky. He brushed his left hand against hers, taking hold of it as they walked in the direction of the park, and she smiled softly, squeezing his hand gently in return.

They grabbed coffee together, sat on a park bench chatting and laughing as they drank it and enjoyed the spring day. They went to the museum, admired the statues and the paintings, ate lunch in a small cafe, she helped him pick out new shirts, they fed the ducks in the pond, he laughed when she would physically stop dead to admire a dog and she smirked at his protectiveness over her when it came to crossing busy New York streets or dealing with street sellers. 

Natasha linked her arm through his as they began walking home, her head resting against his shoulder as the afternoon drew to a close. "Thanks for such a great day."

"Thank you for coming along on it with me." He replied, "Maybe we can work out how to do it more often."

She nodded, stopping with him at a street corner. "Until then, I better head back. Can't bunk off all the time." She smirked while he chuckled cupping her face in one hand.

"We could get away with one more day..." he thought out loud, making it her turn to laugh.

"What's gotten into you?" She laughed, gently hitting his chest before he pulled her into a bear hug.

"You have." He chuckled, nuzzling in to kiss her cheek before loosening the hug a little. "Do you have to go home?"

"Afraid so. Unless you want me leaving at 5:30am to go home and get ready."

"Hmm, good point." He smiled tilting her chin up to him. "I finish early on Friday if you want to do something then? Maybe we could spend the weekend out the city?"

"You're really upping this little thing we have going on." She grinned in amusement.

"Isn't it about time we did?" He kissed her softly, feeling her rise onto her top toes to return it. "You're more to me than just part of this 'little thing',"

"What am I then?" She murmured against his lips as she kissed him again.

"A girlfriend?"

She broke the kiss to look at him. "You want to label this?"

"Not really, not like that. I don't think we need a label but...I want you to know I'm serious about you. That this is something real with a future." He sudden had a flush of anxiety. "I mean, if you'd want it to be..."

"Of course I do." She gave a small laugh as she sighed, easing his irrational worries before they could surface. "I'd love to be your girlfriend, James."

He smiled as he pressed another kiss to her lips once more, before they eventually parted.

"I'll see you Friday then?"

She paused with a small frown before pursing her lips. "I more day off wouldn't hurt, right?"

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