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"Shhh angel," Natasha cooed, her fingertip lightly stroking the smooth little chubby cheek of the child in her arms. When the gurning continued, the threat of a scream already on the baby girls Cupid bow lips, she altered her hold of the little one moving one arm under so her little legs kicked freely while the other arm held her secure across her torso. She kept her head supported against her chest, near her heart as they small girls eyes suddenly widened in awe and stared out at the lights of the city from the window they were in front of.

"See," Natasha whispered with a smile. "When the lights come on, that means it's your turn to sleep." She kissed the soft dark curls on her daughters head, nuzzling her slightly like a mother lion would do with her cubs. She loved the soft powdered baby smell she had, the pureness of her skin when her little fingers gripped onto her hand as she tried to lean forward, still learning her limits and eager to move onto the next milestone of supporting herself. She was already shaping up to be fiercely independent, just like her mother.

The little girl made a noise of delight as she noticed a helicopter moving over the city, the blinking light catching her eye. "Mama!" She pointed eagerly to get her attention, even though she always had it and then clapped her hands together a few times in an clumsy adorable way as she had just learned. Her newest party trick.

God, did this kid make her melt. Natasha chuckled softly as she kissed her daughters cheek, making her giggle and clap her hands so she would do it again. Natasha happily obliged, showering her in kisses until the glint of metal in the reflection of the window caught her eye.

A human hand slid around her waist and she turned her head to smile up at him. He was still in his suit, hair slicked back as he grinned down at her.

"You're home early," she pressed a kiss to his lips which he returned happily.

"I missed my girls." He grinned, their daughter already wriggling in Natasha's arms, smiling toothlessly as she reached for him. "Hey little Ali,"

"Dadadada!" She mumbled happily as he took her from Natasha and kissed her cheek. Her little hands roamed his face, gripping at his beard making him chuckle but gently pry her hands free to hold.

"We missed you." Natasha smiled, relaxing as she used her now free hands to wrap around him and nuzzle into his side.

"Tired?" He kissed her head, and she nodded in reply.

"I never sleep well when you're away." She admitted, looking to their daughter who had went back to looking out the window, resting her head against Bucky's shoulder. "Neither of us do, But now you seem to be working your magic."

Ali's eyes were already half closed, yawning as they watched her rub her eyes sleepily. "Am I that boring?" Bucky whispered, making Natasha laugh softly.

"Of course not." She smiled. "You make us feel the safest."

"You'll always be safe here." He assured her. "I'd never let anything happen to you both."

"I know you wouldn't." She smiles softly. "It still feels like she's too good to be true. It's just...I'm always going to worry." She gazed with such fierce love at their daughter who was now peacefully asleep on her fathers shoulder.

He smiled at his wife, knowing how strong her fears were, understanding them, fearing them himself. "It's true babe, and no one is taking that away from us. I promise you that."

She gave him a small smile before kissing his cheek and nuzzling into the other side of his neck as he wrapped her arm around her. He relaxed with a soft sigh, kissing both their heads, glad to be home once more so he too could relax.

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