Keep it.

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"I hope you're taking good care of her,"

Bucky glanced towards the Blonde that had appeared at his right side, a half smirk forming on his lips while he flicked his dark hair from his face.

"So it's a she." He mused, looking down to the large assault rifle he was carrying as they made their way ahead of a large army across the vast Wakandan landscape. Her assault rifle.

"One of a kind." Natasha replied with the nod of her head, still looking straight ahead towards where Steve and T'challa walked ahead. Sam and Rhodey zipped over their heads in flight, viewing the perimeter for any enemies. "Which I assume you know, considering you've kept a hold of it for so long."

"Something like that," he admitted with a short chuckle, boots trudging through the grass as they ascended a small hill. He glanced around them at the large army groups forming, following the lead of their King. "A home comfort, I suppose...."

He watched a hint of a smile form in her features. "I didn't know Brooklyn made weapons of war." She murmured with a quirk of an eyebrow.

"Only me. Well, The Soviet's did." He shrugged and slowed his pace as did she, creating more space between their comrades and them.

"That I did know..." she finally looked up at him, deep green eyes shining as they held his. An unspoken look of remembrance for the past they shared. "But you're more than just a weapon, Bucky." She breathed his name, almost irritated, like she was forcing herself to use it naturally.

"I get that, now. But I was" He nodded, frowning slightly as she shook her head.

"Not to everyone back then..." She told him with a small smile, and he felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. He suspected not many people got such a sincere smile or compliment from the Black Widow.

Bucky swallowed, rubbing his neck with a chuckle. "Well, thank you Natasha. And for the gun too. I'll be sure to give you it back after all this is over."

"Keep it." She waves her hand dismissively. "It's better in your hands than mine."

Together they stopped, standing beside Steve and T'challa.

"Are you ready for this?" She muttered quietly to him, a hint of concern in her tone.

He nodded. "Only thing I'm ever ready for is war. Easy when I've nothing to lose."

She turned her head to him again, eyes soft at the sadness of his statement. "Then you've everything to gain."

He smiled back at her, lifting his gaze to Steve as he gained Natasha attention to talk to their enemies which had landed just beyond the dome around Wakanda. She turned to follow his friend and he watched her walk away, promising himself to return the gun after all this was over, and maybe even catch up for old times sake.


He felt light, like he was floating as soon as he stood up from the forrest floor. The wounds of the war feeling numb again, no pain or discomfort as he looked around, eyes falling on his best friend.

"Steve?" He called in confusion, looking at his hand as a fluttering sensation seized him, horror registering on his features the moment it started to float away, disintegrating into the breeze. He snapped his eyes quickly to Steve once more, then back to Natasha who had stumbled to her feet somewhere just behind him.

Her jaw was open in shock as she too watched him disappear, hurt etched into her features as he tried to move, but collapsed to dust in front of them, her gun clattering onto the ground.

Around them, several others met the same fate, crumbling to the ground. Natasha waited for her turn, to disintegrate into nothingness as she carefully picked up the gun in her hands.

It never came, and she was left clinging to the metal weapon tightly, cursing that once again, she'd failed to keep him safe and a power greater than hers had decided his fate.

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